Involutive changes of pelvicalyceal system of person’s kidneys according to ultrasound and morphologic studies

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The purpose of this study is to study age-dependent changes of calix and pelvis. Morphometric sizing of 68 people from the age of 30 to 89 was carried out. 100 corrosion preparations of pelvicalyceal system of kidneys were made. Histilogic sections of calix and pelvis of 32 kdneys were painted by hematoxylin-eosin, by Van-Gizon and Mallory. The data of ultrasound diagnostic of kidneys of 66 people (132 kidneys) from the age of 13 to 80 without pathobiology were studied. Against the background of involution of the sizes of kidneys, the volume of pelvicalyceal system increases. In spite of the fact that the average indicants of the volume of pelvicalyceal system in this period fall down, in some cases pelvis can be widen. It is found out that in geratic age the paries of pelvis become thinner. It can be connected both with the changes of the structure of the paries itself and with the widening of the pelvis due to obstructive nephropathy with the people of this age ( it is more common with males).


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Copyright (c) 2012 Stabredov A.V., Kafarov E.S.

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