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146 preparations of kidneys of people, at the age from 21 years till 85 years which were lost from diseases, not connected with a pathology urological system are investigated. Methods of anatomic preparation are used and 146 corrosion preparations of venous system of a kidney of the person are made. Also the data 76 МСКТ and 34 МРТ has been used. The morphometry data was processed by methods of variation statistics on the personal computer under programs «Excel» (Ver.10.2701) and «Statwin» (Ver.5.1). The research analysis has shown that with the years there is a gradual increase in diameters of nephritic veins (till 50 years), however this process proceeds non-uniformly. Parts of a nephritic vein differ the form, in the sizes, a wall structure, individually changeable, and have topometrytical features. External diameter, thickness of a wall, internal diameter and the area of cross-section section of a gleam, the relation of a thickness of a wall to diameter of a gleam of parts of a nephritic vein, change in the course of aging non-uniformly.


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ИЗМЕНЧИВОСТЬ параметров почечных вен в процессе старения


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Copyright (c) 2012 Kafarov E.F., Stabredov A.V.

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