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Studying morphofunional conditions of a mucous membrane of oesophagus of patients with a bronchial asthma of different severity became the research objective. We confirmed the combination of a bronchial asthma with eosinophilicesophagitis and nonspecific chronic esophagitis, aggravated in process of asthma progressing. In the work the necessity of differentiated tactics and conducting of the patients with bronchial asthma in the cases of accompanying pathology of oesophagus is scientifically grounded. We notice a problem of insufficient diagnostics and ineffective treatment of eosinophilic esophagitis in the cases of bronchial asthma.

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Copyright (c) 2012 Golovanova V.E., Mikhaleva L.M., Barkhina T.G., Schegoleva N.N., Ivanova E.V.

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