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In article results of inspection of 27 patients with non palpable breast leaseons are presented. To all patients the fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) non palpable breast lesions under control of ultrasonic with the subsequent cytologic research was spent. Operative treatment is spent to 11 patients (41 %), in 11 cases (41 %) dynamic supervision is recommended, to 5 patients (18 %) conservative therapy is appointed. The informative material for cytologic research is received at 14 patients. Thus in
51 % of cases it was possible to get morphological verification from non palpable breast lesions.


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Copyright (c) 2011 Kulikov E.P., Yukhanov S.V., Zagadaev A.P., Sashina E.L., Kulicov E.P., Juhanov S.V., Zagadaev A.P., Sashina E.L.

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