State uvealblood flow in ischemicdiseases persons witheye in combination withocclusive-stenoticlesions of internalcarotid arteries

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The study involved 48 people (48 eyes) at 49-76 years of age with acute circulatory disturbances in the arterial system
of the organ of vision, including 28 women and 20 men. Hemodynamic parameters of the uveal blood flow by the
rheoophthalmography method (ROG) and ultrasound duplex scanning of carotid vessels were studied.
The rheoophthalmography method allows doctors to suggest the presence and the degree of ICA stricture formation
by the degree of ROG index changing. The early diagnosis of carotid artery pathology will give a chance to approach the
treatment subject differentially.


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Copyright (c) 2010 Lapshova E.V., Lapshova Е.V.

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