卷 27, 编号 4 (2019)


Original study


Smolyakov Y., Kuznik B., Kalashnikova S., Nolfin N., Fedorenko E., Mikhahanov M.



材料与方法:本实验参与30名受试者(其中16名男生)。平均年龄为18.2±1.1岁。人工应力是由Stroop effect产生的。通过红细胞的动态光散射来评价微循环血流动力学特性。信号以三个血流动力学指标的形式进行整合:HI(Hemodynamic Indexes)。低频率指数(HI1)由缓慢的层间相互作用决定,高频率区域(HI3)表征层移动的快速过程。HI2占据中间位置(毛细血管前和毛细血管血流)。脉搏分量的心脏间隔变异性采用心率变异性(Heart Rate Variability,HRV)被评定。




I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2019;27(4):443-450
pages 443-450 views


Kosyakov A., Abrosimov V.






I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2019;27(4):451-457
pages 451-457 views


Nizov A., Suchkova E., Grivenko A., Nikiforova L.






I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2019;27(4):458-467
pages 458-467 views

Analysis of behavioral risks in adolescents with health limitations and with different anxiety levels

Voitovich A.


Aim. To assess peculiarities of lifestyle of adolescents with health limitations having diffe-rent levels of anxiety.

Materials and Methods. In the research 89 adolescents with health limitations were  involved studying at an educational institution of secondary professional education. The leading causes of disability (the main disease) were mental and behavioral disorders. Anxiety levels  of the adolescents (State Trait Anxiety Inventory), the extent of nicotine addiction (Fagerstrom test) were studied, social factors, duration of night sleep were assessed, organization of leisure was analyzed.

Results. Low state anxiety (SA, <30 points) was found in 76.2% of the examined adolescents, moderate SA (33-34 points) – in 23.8%, 51.4% had a high level of trait anxiety (TA).  A moderate negative correlation relationship was established between SA and TA of students  (r=–0.72, p=0.02). Assessment of the lifestyle of adolescents found the existence of the family disadvantages (each sixth student grew in a social institution); reduction in the night sleep duration (<7 hours) in 30.8% of students; low physical activity (only 18.9% of students attended additional physical culture and sports classes). Nicotine addiction was found in more than 90% of  students, 61.2% of students used strong drinks at least once in life. A correlation was established between living in a hostel (r=–0.56, p=0.031), duration of night sleep (r=–0.61, p=0.028), organization of passive rest (r=–0.52, p=0.04) and the level of SA.

Conclusion. The conducted research identified the following risk factors for justification of programs for prevention of development of desadaptation: factor of family disadvantages, bad habits, reduced duration of night sleep, low physical activity.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2019;27(4):468-474
pages 468-474 views


Bebchuk M.



材料与方法该研究包括为8-17岁的61位儿童的患者, 由于结构包括F40的各种精神障碍2018年入了Sukhareva Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health of Children and Adolescents 国家卫生保健事业单位。该研究中使用了医学历史分析和与家庭心理学家的课程记录。

结果:根据家庭功能的参数,确定了3个系统假设的焦虑恐惧症的表现组: 结构方面的障碍(范围、等级、联盟、三角形),交际环境或家族史。工作系统假设由十个临床实例说明。


I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2019;27(4):475-486
pages 475-486 views


Katelnitskiy I., Katelnitskiy I., Livadnyaya E.






I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2019;27(4):487-494
pages 487-494 views

Long-term results of coronary artery bypass graft surgery after stenting of obstructed artery with bare metal stent in patients with acute coronary syndrome and multivessel disease

Bocharov A.


Non-optimal long-term results of endovascular interventions using bare metal stents and their wide use in Russia in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) make it important to study the influence of the mentioned interventions on the results of coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) performed after stenting of the obstructed artery in patients with ACS and multivessel disease.

Aim. To study the results of CABG performed at our department in early periods of ACS after stenting of an obstructed artery with bare metal stents versus  the results of use of drug coated stents of the 2nd generation, on the basis of the data of NORSTENT study.

Materials and Methods. The work presents the results of a two-year observation of stepwise treatment of 97 patients with ACS and multivessel disease who were performed stenting of an obstructed artery for life-saving indications followed by CABG not later than in 90 days. Patients of the main group had three-vessel disease of coronary arteries with severity of damage 26.0±3.2 points on SYNTAX scale. The time from the moment of stenting to complete revascularization was 64±17 days. Clinico-demographic parameters of the main group were comparable with those of the comparison group (data of NORSTENT study).

Results. During observation time two cases of acute myocardial infarction occurred. Repeat revascularization was required in 14 patients (14.4%). The rate of MACCE was 0.1443. Odd ratio (OR) of the risk of MACCE occurrence was 1.61 (95% CI [1.14;2.78]).

Conclusion. Surgical revascularization of the coronary bed in early periods after stenting of the obstructed artery with bare metal stents in patients with ACS and multivessel disease has 1.6 times (95% CI 1.14;2.78) higher risk for initiation of adverse cardiovascular events, in comparison with endovascular revascularization with use of drug coated stents of the 2nd generation.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2019;27(4):495-502
pages 495-502 views

More on choice of places for insertion of tested samples of polymer implants in study of reaction of tissues of macroorganism

Lipatov V., Severinov D., Naimzada M.


Aim. Assessment of different methods of implantation and autopsy of portions of tissue at the sites of insertion of polymer implants.

Materials and Methods. Samples of new vessel prostheses (OOO Lintex, Saint Petersburg) were implanted into the subcutaneous layer of the abdominal wall and paravertebral area of 30 rats. Morphological changes at the sites of insertion of implants, and also variation of the values of criteria developed by the authors were evaluated. The results obtained in studies, were evaluated by experts on the basis of the evidence of artefacts in microphotographs, of expected probability for damage to the implant bed in the experiment and in autopsy, of expected technical complexity of getting a sample of the implant and of the periprosthetic capsule in autopsy.

Results. The total score of evaluated tissue reactions reached the highest meanings (59) in the group of laboratory animals where the tested samples were implanted into the subcutaneous tissue of the back, which determines this method as least preferable. Variability and error of the method of subcutaneous implantation was higher in the group with implantation of samples into the paravertebral area, since the values of standard deviation (m) in histological examination of this group (from 0.89 to 3.64) exceeded deviations in animals with implantation of the tested prosthetic implants into the abdominal wall (from 0.25 to 2.54).

Conclusion. Implantation in the area of the abdominal wall is characterized by lower variability of standard deviation (m) of the morphometric parameters, by lower number of artefacts and by almost complete absence of technical complications in autopsy of the studied material, which, in the opinion of the authors, gives preference to this method in experimental research.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2019;27(4):503-511
pages 503-511 views

Clinical reports

Cardioesophageal carcinoid: multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis

Kazakova S., Aftaeva E., Kurkova E.


Cardioesophageal carcinoid is a rare neuroendocrine neoplasm. Diagnosis and treatment are especially difficult in case of proximal localization of the gastric lesion (in the region of cardia) which requires a complex multidisciplinary approach. The clinical presentation of gastric  carcinoid is in most cases nonspecific, and the tumor is accidentally detected in endoscopic exa-mination for the pain syndrome, dyspepsia, anemia, etc. Thus, all said above makes tumors of cardioesophageal zone a rather actual problem. In this article, on an example of patient K., of 61 years of age, possibilities of a complex approach to diagnosis and treatment of a complicated case of cardioesophageal carcinoid are shown.

Conclusion. Diagnosis of carcinoid tumors is difficult and requires a multidisciplinary  approach. The algorithm of diagnostic search and treatment tactics should suggest an individual approach in each clinical case which permits to make a correct diagnosis and to successfully reali-ze a required complex of medical measures.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2019;27(4):512-519
pages 512-519 views



Nagibin O., Manukhina E., Komarov I.





I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2019;27(4):520-529
pages 520-529 views

Hygienic aspects of influence of environmental factors on formation of schoolchildren’s health

Devrishov R., Kolomin V., Filyaev V., Kudryasheva I.


In the article materials showing the growing influence of both school and extra-school factors on health of children and adolescents are presented. Special attention is given to the main classes of school-related diseases.

Aim. To justify reasonability of studying this problem in Astrakhan within the frames of complex approach to application of health-saving technologies.

Conclusion. Problems described in the article are characteristic of practically any region of Russia, in this connection a significant number of studies are carried out in Astrakhan region devoted to issues of protection of children’s health and to investigation of exposure of children to environmental factors. With this, absence of works on evaluation of complex use of health-saving technologies in terms of their influence on health of schoolchildren, permits to consider such hygienic studies actual.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2019;27(4):530-535
pages 530-535 views


Modern level of rendering palliative and in patient kinds of geriatric assistance by nursing staff

Chaikina N.


In the world, a share of elderly and old individuals in the total population is constantly growing. This change in the demographic situation in the modern society certainly arouses a justified interest for the medico-social problems of this category of the population. A special role in this problem is assigned to the medium-grade medical personnel, since a statistically average patient ˃60 years of age suffers from a number of different chronic diseases, including cognitive disorders, senile dementia, syndrome of nutrition deficit, serious disorders in the musculo-skeletal system, etc. Salvation of these and other essential problems requires elaboration of complex targeted programs and special training of the nursing staff for work in hospitals, hospices, palliative beds, etc. In the ‘ageing’ society it is necessary to find appropriate rational forms of organization of medical assistance for aged group of patients and modern ways of interdepartmental interactions that would correspond to the principles of restructure of the healthcare systems. At present in Russia there exist several specialized geriatric and gerontological centers that render different kinds of medical care to the older generation. Integrated character, availability and effectiveness of medico-social assistance for individuals of older age groups is the aim of well-developed geriatric service. Development of such kind of support is also beneficial from the economical point of view in the sense that it permits to reduce duration of repeat stay in hospital, the number of ambulance calls, etc. The mentioned measures will help optimize treatment and diagnosis of age-related diseases and will permit to actualize the term ‘healthy ageing’. In the article, the problems of rendering medical assistance for the older age groups of population are considered with accentuation on the increased role of nursing personnel in realization of medical and social help to the elderly population within the three-level system on an example of the Voronezh region.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2019;27(4):536-545
pages 536-545 views


Ryazan physiologist of the Russian scale

Lapkin M., Byalovsky Y., Kozeevskaya N.


(to the 90th anniversary of A.F. Belov)

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2019;27(4):546-549
pages 546-549 views
