Immunological changes accompanying the development of experimental neoplastic process



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The key immunology problem remains the understanding of the mechanisms for the effective protection of the body against various pathogens with simultaneous suppression of the immune response to autoantigens. The pathogenesis of neoplastic pathological processes includes violations of the mechanisms of normal cell growth and cell proliferation. Antitumor immune response is a complex event, involving many different cell types. But despite the ability of the immune system to recognize and respond to a variety of tumor-associated antigens, the neoplastic process overcomes the protective forces of the organism, grows and spreads. For cancer cells characterized by independence from antiproliferative signals, autocrine stimulation of growth disturbances in the system, induction of apoptosis and control of genome stability. As a result of accumulation of genetic and epigenetic changes in tumor cells differ significantly from the normal range and the level of expression of genes involved in the transformation process, the accumulation of mutations in key genes promoters and suppressors of tumorigenesis. This creates the opportunity for recognition by cells of the immune system. The study of changes in value and operation of the various elements of the immune system in the development of experimental neoplastic process allows you to identify the mechanisms of interaction in the system «malignant tumor-immune system, to assess patterns of interaction with other organs and tissues, to create a theoretical pathogenetically reasonable premise for the development of anticancer therapy.




Elena Dementeva

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Junior researcher, Research center

Olga Gurina

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Senior researcher


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