Organization of a simulation study in SPbSPMU



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In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation from January 15, 2007 N 30 to participate in the delivery of health care to citizens admitted students who have successfully completed the theoretical training and have practical skills acquired on models (phantoms). In 2013, in order to introduce innovative forms of learning SPbGPMU formed Center of modern educational technologies. For the development of all necessary manipulations in the Centre created a special phantom-simulation classes. In order to establish the required number of repetitions in the course teaching practical skills learning outcomes analyzed 252 5th year students of pediatric faculty. It was found that a great development of the 5th year students of medical procedures require at least 5 repetitions of each student with a teacher or a mandatory correction loop simulator. To master the algorithm requires the help of at least 7 repeats the clinical scenario, with enough 1-2 times the direct participation of the remaining repetitions of the student can observe and participate in the discussion of errors. The introduction of phantom-simulation training for students not only increases the interest in learning, but also makes it possible to repeatedly perform any medical procedures or diagnostic procedure without risk to the patient, and subsequently apply their skills confidently during practical training. Using simulators, mannequins, phantoms and dummies can not only master the different skills each student physicians, but also to develop the ability to interact with each other and work as a team by simulating real conditions. The possibility of multiple repetition of the same scenario allows you to bring the mastery of skills to automaticity.




Alexander Gostimsky

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head, Department of General Medical Practice

Yulia Kuznetsova

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Assistant Professor, Department of General Medical Practice

Oleg Lisovski

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of General Medical Practice


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版权所有 © Gostimsky A.V., Kuznetsova Y.V., Lisovski O.V., 2015

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