Management of patients with abnormal uterine bleeding puberty in the outpatient setting (experience MCDC “Yuventa”)



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Questions of the effectiveness of therapy of abnormal uterine bleeding puberty, prevention of recurrence and restore of normal menstrual and fertility are extremely important in the future. Diagnosis of abnormal uterine bleeding puberty often is an absolute indication for hospitalization. However, the experience Saint Petersburg Municipal consultive and diagnostic center “Juventa” patients can receive medical treatment in a day hospital with good clinical effect, if they haven’t anemia and heavy bleeding. Аccording to Juventa clinic, dysfunctional uterine bleedings of the pubertal period iconsist 4 % in the structure of the gynaecological diseases among the young girls. 75-89 % of young patients with bleedings do not require hospitalization with 24 hour observation and can get medical care in the outpatient settings with good clinical effect. In 2/3 of patients could receive the hemostatic effect when using a non-hormonal therapy. In 1/3 of patients require hormone therapy. All of the patients need further medical supervision and therapy for prevention of recurrent bleeding. The effectiveness of conservative hemostatic therapy conducted in a day hospital was 97.8 %. Important conditions for a good clinical effect were: patient selection, which can be performed outpatient treatment, the use of complex therapy, dynamic assessment of the effectiveness of the therapy, timely correction of the treatment regimen with the addition of hormone hemostatic therapy.




Irina Gogotadze

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Associate Professor. Department of Сhildren Gynecology and Women Reproductology

Pavel Krotin

St. Petersburg State Municipal consultive and diagnostic centre “Yuventa”

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head

Tat’yana Kozhukhovskaya

St. Petersburg State Municipal consultive and diagnostic centre “Yuventa”


Elena Bogatyreva

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Postgraduate Student, Department of Children Gynecology and Women Reproductology


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版权所有 © Gogotadze I.N., Krotin P.N., Kozhukhovskaya T.Y., Bogatyreva E.M., 2015

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