New aspects of the mechanisms of development and treatment of irritable bowel syndrome



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In 121 children with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) a complex evaluation of the values of volum threshold sensitivity (VTS) of the rectum, intestinal microbiota according to the findings of feces analysis and lactulose hydrogen test, and also of the activation of inflammation according to endoscopy, histology, stool calprotectin testing and proinflammatory cytokines in the colonic mucosa was performed. The estimation of these parameters before and after treatment with probiotics, trimebutin, combination therapy of pro-and prebiotics, combination therapy trimebutin and probiotics for 1 month. The control group were children receiving placebo. In all patients with IBS enhanced VTS was noted. Signs of inflammation were detected according to the findings of endoscopy in 66.9 %, of histology – in 97.5 %, enhanced levels of calprotectin were found in 27.3 %, enhanced levels of IL-8 — 45 at %, INF-γ — 90 %. In all patients with IBS have disbiotic disorders of the colon, sings of bacterial overgrowth syndrome were detected in 85.1 % of children. Probiotics effective in reducing the VTS, improving of clinical data,microbiological indices, and coping with of inflammatory disorders in the intestines. Are the most effective of treatment with both trimebutin and probiotics, or probiotics and prebiotic lasting at least one month.




Mariya Tipikina

Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Postgraduate Student, Assistant Professor, Department of Gastroenterology

Yelena Korniyenko

Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head, Department of Gastroenterology


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