The characteristic of energy metabolism’s infringement and possibilities of its correction in children suffering from celiac disease



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The results of study of energy metabolism’s infringement and possibilities of its correction in children suffering from celiac disease are presented in the article. The study was conducted from January 2009 till December, 2012 in department of gastroenterology RSSM of Center of pediatrics. 45 children with CD at the age from 3 till 14 years have been surveyed. The carried out researches have shown at patients with CD processes of energy formation are broken: synthesis АТF and АDF is lowered, their ratio is increased, values of LTT and GТТ are lowered in 4 times. Increment of a ratio laktat/piruvat is detected, that testifies to prevalence at children tissue hypoxia. Treatment of patients suffering from CD application of use phytoecdisteroid ecdisten reduces duration of kliniko-laboratory symptoms and improves values of energy metabolism.




Altinoy Kamilova

Republican Specialized Scientifically-Practical Medical Center of Pediatrics

Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head, Dept. of Gastroenterology

Dinora Dustmuhamedova

Republican Specialized Scientifically-Practical Medical Center of Pediatrics

Doctoral studies, Department of Gastroenterology

Zaynab Khushvaktova

Institute of chemistry of vegetative substances n. a. acad. J. .Junusov of academy of sciences of Republic Uzbekistan

Dr.Sci.Biol. Project Leader, Pharmacology and toxicology laboratory

Bladimir Sirov

Institute of chemistry of vegetative substances n. a. acad. J. .Junusov of academy of sciences of Republic Uzbekistan

Dr Med Sci, Professor. Head, Pharmacology and toxicology laboratory


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版权所有 © Kamilova A.T., Dustmuhamedova D.H., Khushvaktova Z.A., Sirov B.N., 2013

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