Diseases of a neurotic range at children with night enuresis



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The article is devoted to the study of nocturnal enuresis and frequency of comorbid anxiety disorders in children with this disease. The authors present the results of a survey of 70 children aged 7 to 10 years with primary enuresis. In the study, anxiety disorders were found in 44 children with this pathology (62.9 %). Analysis of the identified symptoms showed that more of the study group are generalized anxiety disorder (31.8 %) and phobic anxiety disorder (40.9 %).




Leonid Chutko

Institute of Human Brain, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: chutko5@mail.ru
MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head of the Center of behavioral neurology

Svetlana Surushkina

Institute of Human Brain, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: su.svetlana@mail.ru
PhD, neurologist, junior researcher

Inna Nikishena

Institute of Human Brain, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: info@spbnevrolog.ru
PhD, researcher

Yelena Yakovenko

Institute of Human Brain, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: info@spbnevrolog.ru
PhD, researcher

Tatyana Anisimova

Institute of Human Brain, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: info@spbnevrolog.ru
clinical psychologist, junior researcher

Yulia Bykova

Institute of Human Brain, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: info@spbnevrolog.ru
neuropsychologist, senior laboratory assistent


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版权所有 © Chutko L.S., Surushkina S.Y., Nikishena I.S., Yakovenko Y.A., Anisimova T.I., Bykova Y.L., 2013

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