Does the age of first drug abuse influence on further development and course of the disease



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Drug abuse has become urgent in the last 10- 15 years. In 2005 it was reported about 241.3 people per 100 000 population which suffered from drug addictions. The study was performed among the patients with opiate addiction syndrome of second stage that corresponds to F 11.242 due to International System. Patients underwent treatment in hospital. Assessment of social adaptation and stress test were carried out according to Dr. Holmes and Dr. Rage. The study involved 129 patients suffered from addiction to opiates. Medical history was evaluated bearing in mind the age of first drug abuse. Randomization of patients was carried out on the basis of the age of first use of narkogen. Connection it the two groups of abusers were elucidated as follows: the first group is if the age of first use of narkogen accounts for up to 18 years old. The second group is if the age of first use of narkogen accounts for the age 18 years old. The study showed that early initiation of drug abuse in adolescents was provoked by family history burdened by alcoholism. This group has more frequent accidents of head injury, contaminations by hepatitis, psychotic episodes and seizures. They are more frequently subjected to criminal prosecution. In this group the start preferential drug abuse is given to cannabis. They have more quickly developed detailed clinical picture and have more frequent episodes of overdose by drugs. Meanwhile the patients of this group are more socially adapted.




Viktor Vostrikov

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology

Sergey Proshin

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Head, Department of Pharmacology


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版权所有 © Vostrikov V.V., Proshin S.N., 2014

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