Fears among children and overcoming them



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The article examines the fears of children, which are divided into three following groups: the “instinctive” fears (fear of death, death of relatives, fear of doctors, injections, etc.), fears of “interpersonal relations” (fear of being late, did not catch, fear of inability to cope with feelings, fear of disapproval from peers, etc.) and “technological” fears (fear of fire, fly a plane, explosions, etc.). According to the research of 2008- 2011, almost all children revealed a fear of losing their parents. Change is observed in the content side: children 4-6 years were afraid of losing their parents because parents provide their lives. The perception of parents is changing at the age of 7-9 years and children realize love for them, in 10-11 years signs of the partnership and its value appear. Also the fear of school can be attributed like one of the most frequent fears in children and adolescents. The results of our study showed that almost every third child in the preschool group does not want to go to school and / or nega-tively assesses its educational opportunities. Number of school fears decreases with age and in early adolescence 11-12 years is about 20 %. The article contains a description of such ways to overcome fears as: creation of conditions to transfer interactions and feelings on the toy to defuse a tension; drawing as a way of expressing positive and negative emotions; a variety of fairy tales including in the form metaphors of the life path; parent’s ability to control the amount of crisis situations in children using the Diary of a gradual change of the child problematic behaviour and etc. The study examined the phenomenon of “no fear” in children, which has been found in almost every tenth child. Discusses its possible causes and negative sides.




Irina Gorkovaya

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Email: iralgork@mail.ru
Dr Sci, Professor, Department of Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy


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