Internet Addiction: Causes, Formation Mechanisms, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention Approaches



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The article examines the main causes and mechanisms of Internet and video game addiction providing a detailed description of the characteristics of social groups most vulnerable to addiction, as well as the clinical and psychopathological symptoms allowing for the verification of computer addiction. Special attention is paid to the methods for the rapid psychological diagnosis of computer addiction as well as to identifying predisposition through the use of large-scale testing of young people. The Internet for computer addicts is practically a perfect way to quickly fill almost any unfulfilled needs, including the need for security, respect, love, recognition, and self-actualization. This explains the fact that the social groups most vulnerable to Internet addiction are adolescents, among which the prevalence of Internet addicts in some regions is estimated to be up to 38%, studies report. We conducted a survey of humanities and non-humanities students in St. Petersburg. The total sample size was 120 people, of whom 60 persons were humanities students and 60 people, students at technical universities. On average, the subjects were aged 22 to 23. 100 % of the subjects had a computer and free internet access. The article details the results of the study and analyzed. The key element of this paper is a model for computer addiction psychotherapy based on the concept of achieving high levels of psychological health, developing an ability to avoid using drugs, as well as the model for preventing Internet addiction among risk groups.




Vlada Titova

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy

Aleksandr Katkov

National Scientific and Practical Center for Medical and Social Problems of Drug Abuse (Kazakhstan)

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor and Chief expert on social epidemics

Daniil Chugunov

Mental hospital N 4 of St. Petersburg

PhD, Clinical Psychologist


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