The functional outcomes stage IVb and V retinopathy of prematurity



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The results of the assessment of the functional outcomes of the vision of 142 children with stage IVb and V retinopathy of prematurity after surgical treatment of retinal detachment are represented. The electroretinography objective criteria can serve as evidence of the severity of the morphological changes in the developing retinal detachment. These criteria may also be relevant in the assessment of prognosis and recovery of visual function after surgical treatment of retinopathy of prematurity. Vitreoretinal surgical treatment should be done to the maximum early from the onset of retinal detachment.




Olga Konikova

Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology

Oleg Diskalenko

Leningrad Regional Children’s Hospital

Head of Microsurgery Department


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