The role of egocentrism in development of centration and the decentration features of the physician’s personality



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Egocentrism as personal feature is defined by social -psychological conditions of formation of the personality and carries out stabilizing functions in structure of ego-system. Egocentrism is defined by a position occupied with the subject in system social-psychological, first of all — interpersonal relations. The centration and the decentration are the mechanisms allowing during dialogue to support a feedback, not breaking thus integrity and uniqueness of the person. Formation of correct representation about a role of the egocentrizm and value a centration of persons, i. e. concentration of consciousnesses on itself, own experiences, is the important stage of increase of social psychological competence of physicins. Overcoming the centration of contents includes formation of skills of coordination of the points of view with colleagues, with patients in decoding essence of the reasons of disease and ways of struggle against them.




Anna Menshchikova

Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Ph.D, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Clinical Psychology


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