Specials clinical symptoms the local and general forms of surgical infection of soft tissues on the children’s age



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In article include results of analyses specials clinical and laboratories manifestations the local and general forms of infection on the soft tissues at the children in different age. Were revealed the most significant factors of risk development general form of infection in the children´s age. Also were determined clinical specials of systemic inflammatory response syndrome in dependent of the character inflammatory reaction of soft tissues, time of hospitalization and time of surgical intervention. Were revealed the most typical combinations symptoms of systemic inflammatory response syndrome on the child in different age. It´s allow improve early clinical diagnostic of sepsis on the child and shorten time of start equivalent therapy of general forms of infection.




Natalia Barhatova

Sought Ural State Medical University

Email: mpc74@list.ru
MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Department of General Surgery


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