New diagnosis in pediatric practice: autoimmune pancreatitis



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Autoimmune pancreatitis (AP) is not well-known disorder, it hasn’t been described in children yet. Current data about epidemiology, mechanisms of development, pathological and clinical signs of AP are descripted in the article, including international criterions of its diagnosis. Among 57 children with confirmed diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis 4 correspond to criteria of AP. 2 from 4 children had primary AP, the rest 2 - secondary AP, associated with inflammatory bowel disease. Primary AP had prominent clinical manifestation and immunological markers of AP: high level of IgG4, anti-lactoferrin antibodies, prednisolone treatment reduced flare. Prolong remission support became possible only in case of using azathioprine and pancreatic enzyme Creon.




Alla Yagupova

Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Postgraduate Student, Gastroenterology Department, Faculty of Postgraduate Education

Elena Kornienko

Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head, Gastroenterology Department, Faculty of Postgraduate Education

Tatyana Loboda

Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Assoc. Professor, Gastroenterology Department, Faculty of Postgraduate Education

Svetlana Fadina

St. Petersburg Children city clinical hospital N 5 after N. F. Filatov

Head, Department of Gastroenterology


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版权所有 © Yagupova A.A., Kornienko E.A., Loboda T.B., Fadina S.A., 2013

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