The role of genetic factors in the formation of dependence on opiates




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Sociological surveys show that the average age of drug users in recent years has drastically decreased from 18 years to 13 years. Among children of aged from 5 to 7 years the episodes of drug use have been reported. At the same time their parents addicts contribute to this. Statistics show that more than 60 % of drug addicts are young people aged from 17 to 35 years. More than 20 % are children, students, and only 15 % are people older than 35 years. The use by mother during pregnancy psychoactive substances (PAS) is one of the major risk factor for congenital addiction. The most important risk factors for drug abuse are genetic ones. There are two main genetically dependent factors. The first factor is genetically determined high level of the dopamine which encourage a person on a constant search for new sensations, dissatisfaction peace, and search risky situations. The second one is a low level of the hormone serotonin which results in depression in stressful situations. The stressful situations become very deep. Certain factors increase the risk of addictive behavior of offspring may appear at birth. Many people who started the abuse at early age consciously preferred drug to alcohol. That is the adoption of alcohol caused them to aversion to alcohol because of the memories of his father-alcoholic. However based on the biological characteristics while it is not so easy to predict the likelihood of addiction and clearly define in advance the tendency or, on the contrary, human resistance to drug intoxication and dependence.




Viktor Vostrikov

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Associate Professor. Department of pharmacology

Natal'ya Selizarova

North-West State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov


Anastasiya Grigor’eva

North-West State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov

Intern, Faculty of hygene medicine

Sergei Proshin

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head. Department of pharmacology


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版权所有 © Vostrikov V.V., Selizarova N.O., Grigor’eva A.Y., Proshin S.N., 2015

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