The technical aspects of collecting and transporting the sputum cystic fibrosis patients




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Timely diagnosis of infection in cystic fibrosis patients is a major aim. This is especially important for timely treatment in primary seed Ps. aeruginosa and Burkholderia cepacia. Early treatment allows in most cases to prevent the formation of chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. This also applies to re-sowing Ps. aeruginosa after the previous eradication. However, not all cities and small towns have laboratories equipped sufficiently to do bacteriological analysis of cystic fibrosis patients sputum, especially for the allocation of Ps. aeruginosa and Burkholderia cepacia. In this regard, the choice of methods of collecting material and its storage and transportation to specialized laboratories is very relevant. In 5 cities of the North-West region of Russia in 51 patients with cystic fibrosis conducted fences sputum and its subsequent delivery and carrying out of sowing in NIIDA FMBA of Russia in St Petersburg. Five patients extract sputum by coughing, 12 - induced sputum, 24 - were held flush with the posterior wall of the pharynx, 8 - swab from posterior pharyngeal wall, the parents of 2 patients brought the sputum coughed in previous day at house. As the result of bacteriologic test in 15 children certain pathogens were detected for the first time: Staphylococcus in 10 patients, Pseudomonas aeruginosa in 4 patients, Achromobacter in 1 person. Pathogens are well preserved during transportation of specimens to the laboratory in transport medium in the cold, which allows the use of bacteriological laboratories of large cities for carrying out sputum cultures of patients from other regions.




Aleksandr Orlov

Saint Petersburg “Child Hospital of St Olga”

MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Head, Infectious Boxed Department No 3

Viktor Kovalev

Saint Petersburg “Child Hospital of St Olga”

MD, PhD, Pediatrician, Infectious Boxed Department No 3

Marina Ignatieva

Saint Petersburg “Child Hospital of St Olga”

Pediatrician, Infectious Boxed Department No 3.

Lubov Antipova

Saint Petersburg “Child Hospital of St Olga”

Pediatrician, Infectious Boxed Department No 3.

Ekaterina Egorova

Saint Petersburg “Child Hospital of St Olga”

Nurse, Admission Department

Marina Volkova

FSBI “Scientifically-Research Institute of Children’s Infection” of FBMA of Russia

MD, PhD, bacteriologist


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版权所有 © Orlov A.V., Kovalev V.N., Ignatieva M.N., Antipova L.A., Egorova E.A., Volkova M.O., 2016

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