On the question of interstitial lung diseases in children: diffuse disorders of growth and development of the lungs




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The literature review provides current information on risk factors, clinical features, advanced diagnostic capabilities, prognosis diffuse disorders of growth and development of lung like interstitial lung disease specific to early childhood. Diffuse disorders of growth and development in children assigned to interstitial disease, due to the fact that along with anatomical defects of the lung, there is a significant increase in the interstitial tissue. Diffuse lung development disorders - acinar dysplasia, congenital alveolar dysplasia, and alveolar capillary dysplasia with misalignment of pulmonary veins is a rare condition, clinically manifested in the first hours of life, severe RDS infants, have a poor prognosis. Early diagnosis is essential for determining the management plan and prognosis of the disease. Diffuse lung disorders of growth occur in different states: bronchopulmonary dysplasia, pulmonary pathology in the neonatal period as in full-term baby so, chromosomal anomalies (trisomy 21 chromosome) and congenital heart diseases at chromosomal anomalies, and without them, congenital defects of other organs. Growth disorders formed as prenatally and postnatally and reflective of abnormalities of alveolarization. Pathology and radiology interpretation often noted the presence of emphysematous changes in these cases. The severity of the clinical course, complications, prognosis can vary in different forms. Lung growth disorders are risk factors for recurrent respiratory diseases and contribute to their chronic course.




Evgeniya Boitsova

First St Petersburg State Medical University

Email: evboitsova@mail.ru
MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head, Laboratory of Сhildren Pulmonary

Dmitry Ovsyannikov

Russian Peoples’ Friendship University

Email: mdovsyannikov@yahoo.com
MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head, Department of Pediatrics


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