Allergy to cow’s milk protein




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The prevalence of allergic diseases is increasing year by year. Atopic dermatitis (AD) - the earliest clinical manifestation of atopy. By definition, atopic dermatitis is the allergic skin disease that occurs usually in early childhood in individuals with hereditary predisposition to atopic diseases having a chronic relapsing course, age characteristics of the location and morphology of the foci of inflammation, characterized by pruritus and caused hypersensitivity as to allergens, and to nonspecific irritants. Food and inhalant allergens play an important role in the formation of atopic dermatitis. The protein of cow’s milk is one of the first products to which developing sensitization. This is especially important for children in their first year of life. During this period neonatologists of the maternity hospital and precinct pediatricians are very important to assess the risk of a child’s food allergy and, if necessary, artificial feeding or supplementary feeding to recommend an artificial mixture, taking into account evaluation results. The proper purpose depends largely on whether the risk is realized or not, as well as the effectiveness of treatment in the presence of existing clinical manifestations, because a rational diet is the guiding principle of therapy of atopic dermatitis in infants. Unfortunately, precinct pediatricians do not always assess the situation correctly. The article gives a clinical case, an example of which analyzed the most typical errors made when bottle-fed infants with food allergy to cow’s milk protein.




Natalia Platonova

Institute of Experimental Medicine

Allergologist-immunologist, Postgraduate Student, Department of Ecological Phesiologe 俄罗斯联邦


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  11. • Шкала SCORAD (Scoring of Atopic Dermatitis) предложена в 1994 г. Европейской рабочей группой по атопическому дерматиту для оценки степени тяжести АД с помощью полуколичественных шкал. Значение индекса SCORAD до 20 баллов соответствует легкому течению заболевания, от 20 до 40 баллов — среднетяжелому, выше 40 баллов — тяжелому течению АД.



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