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Manuscript submission

The Journal uses the Open Journal System and accepts papers only in electronic form.

ORCID is a personal international identifier of the author. More information is available at: http://orcid.org/
To check the DOI of the article, please use http://search.crossref.org/  

To upload the manuscript please prepare the following:

Basic files:

  • The file containing the text of the manuscript (in Word or any other compatible format), and all figures and tables;
  • Photos, plots, etc. (jpgs);
  • The cover letter file;
  • The copyright transfer agreement (download)
  • When uploading supplementary files, the “comments to the file” field should be filled in;
  • The comment field should contain information about the files uploaded, e.g., “Fig. 1”;

The date of submission will be the date of receipt of all of the file packages, arranged and formed in strict compliance with the above-mentioned rules.

General requirements

The manuscript is presented in two formats: MS Word and PDF.

Page format – A4; all margins – 2.5 cm; indentation – 1.25; line spacing – single; all chapters are to be separated with single spacing. Font − Times New Roman.

The authors of a manuscript containing the results of original research should provide reliable results of the work performed, as well as an objective discussion of the relevance and significance of their research.

All data underlying the paper should be presented without mistakes, in accordance with the initial research documentation.

Reviews should be accurate and objective.

The authors are requested to describe their methods in detail, to ensure that other researchers are able to refer to and reproduce your results.

When describing the equipment and reactive agents, etc., used in your research, refer to the specific manufacturer.

The authors should also provide definitions to terminologies, abbreviations and symbols used in the manuscript. Please specify the software you have used as well. The units of measurements must be indicated in SI – the International System of Units.

Manuscript structure

Title page

  • The Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) (Font 14, left alignment);
  • The author(s): initials and surname (e.g., J.J. Johansson, S.G. Collins); (Font 14, left alignment);
  • The full official name of the organiszation(s); name of the city(ies), country(ies); (Font 14, left alignment);
  • The title of the article (Font 14, all letters capital, bold, center alignment);
  • The abstract (the word “Abstract” is to be written in bold italics); following the word “Abstract”, the text should be roman (upright); the first sentence should begin with a capital letter; Font – 12, text justified, and maximum number of words in the abstract – 250.
  • The keywords (the word “Keywords” should be italicized and highlighted in bold): after the word “Keywords”, the text is to be formatted roman; Font – 12, lower-case letters, text justified; the Keywords (maximum ten) should reflect the main idea of the paper.

All parts are spaced at 1.

Main text of the manuscript

The authors are recommended to use Times New Roman, Font 12, with the text justified. The structure of the Review Paper is similar to that of the Research Paper. However, the structure of Review Paper is discretionary. As for the Research Paper, the text should be arranged as follows:

  • Introduction;
  • Purpose of the research/study;
  • Materials and methods;
  • Results;
  • Discussion;
  • Conclusion (summary);
  • References;
  • Conflict of interests (if any);
  • Acknowledgements;
  • Full information about the authors.

Graphic materials and tables

The authors should provide all graphic materials (images, figures, etc.) with captions and tables with titles, as reuired. All columns in tables should be titled.

Photographs should be in tiff format (resolution – no less than 300 dpi), and graphs, diagrams, and schematics – in vector graphics: pdf (preferable), or ai, eps, or cdr. Please note that some versions of MS Word allow for saving images in pdf format. The dimensions of the graphic materials should not exceed 170 x 230 mm.

Illustrations should not be overburdened with excessive explanations or with descriptions written on them. The authors should try their best to facilitate the reader’s comprehension of the text.

The number of graphic materials should not exceed ten. Following graphic materials, explanations to all curves, signs, letters, etc. should be provided underneath, in the language of the manuscript – English.


A numbered list of the cited literature (references) is to be arranged in the order of its appearance in the text. The list is separated from the main text, with the title of, “References” (Font 14, text justified), and is to be arranged in accordance with the examples below.

General rules

  1. References contains all cited works in the order of their appearance, NOT in alphabetic order.
  2. In the text, the bibliographic reference is placed in square brackets, in Arabic numerals;
  3. The authors of the cited sources should be mentioned in the same order as in the initial source (in cases where a publication has more than four authors, “et al.” should be used after the fourth);
  4. The titles of the journals written in English can be shortened or cut in accordance with the Scopus database. In case the journal is not indexed in Scopus, only the full title is to be given;
  5. When providing dates of issue, volume, and number of a journal, and the pages containing the cited portions, the authors should use a shortened format of description;
  6. Bibliographic references to foreign sources should be provided using the Vancouver system, AMA style;
  7. In all cases, when the cited source has a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), it should be given at the very end of the bibliographical reference (e.g., DOI: 10.9734/BMRJ/2014/5635).

To check if the cited source authors have DOIs, the manuscript’s authors are recommended to use http://search.crossref.org/ or https://www.citethisforme.com. To access the DOI, authors should type the title of the paper, in English, in the search field. The latter website, in addition to providing DOI, automatically generates the correct bibliographic reference for the paper in English in AMA style. The overwhelming majority of papers written after 2013 have been registered in CrossRef, and have their individual DOIs.

Bibliographic references rules

In instances where the cited paper was written in other languages (German, French, Chinese, Japanese, etc.), its title should be given in the original language. In instances where the title of the cited paper has an official English translation, it should be provided in square brackets, following the title in the original language. If no official English translation is available, a full transliteration of the original title should be provided in square brackets, immediately following the original title.

The names of the authors of the citied paper should be given in the exact order as in the original paper. After transliteration, the issuing data are given: the year; volume (number): page(s). At the very end of the bibliographic reference, in round brackets, the original language is given, e.g., (in Russian), followed by the paper’s DOI, in the event there is one.

Examples of references

The cited paper was published in an English language journal:

Liviac D, Creus A, Marcos R. Genotoxic evaluation of the non-halogenated disinfection by-products nitrosodimethylamine and nitrosodiethylamine. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2011;185(2-3):613-618. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2010.09.062.

The cited source is a book in English:

Sutton P, Perron J, Giudice LC, Woodruff TJ. Pesticides matter: a primer for reproductive health physicians. San Francisco (CA): University of California, San Francisco; 2011. 25 p.

The cited source is a paper in a foreign language journal (Russian) with no official translation:

Боровикова Е.А., Махров А.А. Систематическое положение и происхождение сигов (CoregonusCoregonidaeOsteichthyes) Европы. Генетический подход // Успехи современной биологии. – 2009. – T. 129. – № 1. – С. 58–66. [Borovikova EA, Makhrov AA. Sistematicheskoe polozhenie i proiskhozhdenie sigov (CoregonusCoregonidaeOsteichthyes) Evropy. Geneticheskii podkhod. Uspekhi sovremennoi biologii] 2009;129(1):58-66. (In Russian)

The cited paper is an online source (in English):

Pritchard JK, Stephens M, Donnelly P. Inference of population structure using multilocus genotype data. Genetics. 2000;155:945-959. Available at: http://web.stanford.edu/group/pritchardlab/structure_software/ release_versions/v2.3.4/html/structure.html. Accessed September 1, 2016.

The cited paper constitutes conference proceedings:

Pritchard JK, Stephens M, Donnelly P. Title of the Paper// Full Title of the Conference in Inverted Commas. – City, year, pages

More detailed guidelines on how to arrange references are given in:

Information about authors

At the end of the paper, on a separate page, the biographical information about the authors is provided in the following order: SURNAME, Name, academic title, degree, position, place of employment, email, ORCID ID (can be obtained at http://orcid.org), SCOPUS, Web of Science (WoS) (font – 12, justified).

Review paper template

Original paper template

Basic logistics of a paper’s processing after approval for publication

If a manuscript is accepted for publication, the License Agreement “On the Transfer of Non-exclusive  Rights to Use the Work” (template) will be sent to the authors.

will be sent to the authors.

After all changes have been approved by the Scientific Editor, the authors should upload their manuscripts using their accounts.

At the next stage, the manuscript is forwarded to the Layout Editor, who creates an electronic version of the paper.

The file (the revised version) is sent in PDF format to the authors for their final approval.

The authors are to check the revised paper, submit their comments using Adobe Reader, and upload the paper to the website using their accounts.


The papers are usually published in accordance with the editor’s approval procedures, and in the order of their receipt. In case more detailed information is required, the authors will be informed thereof via email.

CONTACT INFORMATION (supplementary file)

Contact information (e-mail address) for all authors should be presented in the following order:

  • family name, name, middle name (if applicable);
  • scientific degree, affiliation (position, department, full name of organization);
  • full postal address, e-mail, phone number (working) with country and city codes, plus mobile phone for corresponding author (only for urgent contact with editors if necessary, without transfer to third parties);
  • Author’s ID (ORCID, Scopus or others).

Completing submission

Please check the list of attached files prior to completing the procedure. Within next 14 days, the editorial board will evaluate your submission. If it meets the requirements, the manuscript’s status will change to “in review”. You may find it on the “summary” tab of your account.

Feel free to contact the editors should you have any questions regarding the processing of your manuscript. Accessing your personal account on the site will allow you to monitor its progress online.




  • Absence of plagiarism

    The authors guarantee that the article has not been published, in whole or in part, and is not currently under consideration, or in the process of being published in another publication.

  • Correct manuscript format

    The file format for the manuscript is Microsoft Word (with the extensions: *.doc, *.docx, and *.rtf). The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographical requirements outlined in the Author’s Guidelines.

  • Abstract 

    Presented in accordance with the requirements, and does not exceed the limit.

  • Illustrations

    Tables and figures were placed within the text of the manuscript, and have titles.

  • References

    The list of references is formatted in accordance with the requirements, and all cited sources were checked for DOI.

  • Supplementary files

    The authors have prepared for transfer to the editor:

    • A file containing the full biographical information of the authors (with surname, name, place of employment, e-mail address);
    • graphic files (photos, satellite images, graphs, etc.).

    The authors should be prepared to upload these files to the journal’s website in Step 4 of the manuscript submission process.

  • The authors confirm that:

    • all participants who have made significant contribution to the study are presented as co-authors;
    • those who did not participate in the study are not  to be listed as co-authors;
    • all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the work, and have agreed to submit it for publication;
    • all authors have agreed to all clauses of the Agreement;
    • in the case that the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors will receive a signed  agreement in PDF format. All of the paper’s authors are required to sign the agreement in person, and forward it to the editors. In order to facilitate the process, the agreement states that the parties recognize electronically signed copies of the agreement, which, in this case, has the same legal power as the original. It can also be used in court procedures to protect the authors' rights.


Authors whose works are published in this journal agree to the following terms:

  1. The author(s) retain copyright, and grant the journal the right of first publication, with the work simultaneously being licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work, with the acknowledgement of the work's authorship, and initial publication in this journal;
  2. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., posting it to an institutional repository, or publishing it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal;
  3. Authors are permitted, and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories, or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of the published work (see The Effect of Open Access).



The names and addresses you provided when registering on this site will be used only for technical purposes: contact with you, or with reviewers (editors) during the process of preparing your article for publication. They will, in no case, be provided to other persons and/or organizations.

If a manuscript is accepted for publication, information about the authors will be published in the relevant section of the article.

