卷 9, 编号 2 (2019)

Original articles

Treatment and prophylaxis of the lower urinary tract recurrent infections in women

Kuzmin I., Al-Shukri S., Slesarevskaya M.


Treatment of 52 women with uncomplicated recurrent lower urinary tract infection aged 19 to 56 years (mean age – 34.4 ± 9.6 years) was performed. All patients were prescribed an antibacterial nitrofuran series drug UrofuraginТМ (Furazidin) at a dose of 100 mg 3 times a day for 7 days. Treatment was started in the period of exacerbation of the disease. After the end of the treatment the postcoital antimicrobial prophylaxis (100 mg Urofuragin single dose) was prescribed. The dynamics of clinical and laboratory parameters were evaluated immediately after treatment, 2 and 12 weeks after its completion. Before treatment the bacteriological study of urine showed the presence of more than 103 CFU/ml in 38 (73.1%) out of 52 patients and in 29 patients Escherichia coli was detected. Positive dynamics of clinical and laboratory parameters were noted after the end of treatment. By 2 weeks after the end of treatment, 47 patients (90.4%) had no leukocyturia, 41 (78.8%) had no bacteriuria and at 12 weeks of follow-up same results were achieved in 45 (86.5%) and 40 (76.9%) out of 52 treated patients respectively. During the follow-up period of 12 weeks after the end of treatment, recurrence of lower urinary tract infection was observed only in 8 (15.4%) patients, which occurred on average 48.4 ± 14.1 days after the end of treatment. Tolerance to Urofuragin was satisfactory. Adverse events associated with the drug were noted in 12 (23.1%) patients but they did not lead to the drug withdrawal. The results of the study showed that Urofuragin is an effective antibacterial drug for treatment and prevention of recurrence of uncomplicated infections of the lower urinary tract.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2019;9(2):5-10
pages 5-10 views

Varicocele as a manifestation of connective tissue dysplasia

Tsukanov A., Semikina S., Mustafayev R.


Varicocele is spread in 35% of men with primary infertility and in 70-81% of men with secondary infertility, being common in 15% of the entire male population. The prevalence and recurrence of varicocele are relevant for investigating of the underlying etiological mechanisms of this disease.

Objective: to evaluate the prevalence of connective tissue dysplasia in patients with varicocele.

Materials and methods. A clinical study is conducted in 148 patients with varicocele. A generally accepted minor congenital anatomical abnormalities were discovered during the examination. Electrocardiography, intervalography and echocardiography were provided among all patients.

Results. 129 people (87.2%) of the examined patients with varicocele had connective tissue dysplasia. The most frequent manifestations of connective tissue dysplasia are: malformation of ear pavilion (90.5%), asthenic body type (79.2%), disturbed occlusion and tooth growth (52.7%), arterial hypotension (47.3%). In the vast majority of cases (104 people, 70.2%) electrocardiograms of 148 patients with varicocele demonstrated different types of arrhythmia. In intervalography it was found that in half of the cases (83 patients, 56.1%) patients had disorders of the autonomic nervous system. During the regular echocardiography only 32 people (21.6%) didn’t have any heart disease, on the other hand valvular and myocardial lesions were diagnosed in other patients.

Conclusions. The deficiency of mesenchymal structures within the connective tissue dysplasia in varicocele is a systemic predisposing factor and requires a more in-depth examination of the cardiovascular system in such patients.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2019;9(2):11-16
pages 11-16 views

State of copulative function in patients after the holmium laser enuсleation of benign prostatic hyperplasia

Popov S., Orlov I., Grin Y., Demidov D., Gulko A., Sushina I., Malevich S., Vyazovtsev P.


The effect of holmium laser enucleation of BPH (HoLEP) on the copulative function of 79 patients was evaluated. The copulative function was assessed by means of the IIEF, AMS scores, ICF scale questionnaires. The bulbocavernous reflex, total and free testosterone and sex hormone-binding globulin were also examined. Patients were examined before surgery, 3 and 6 months later. A decrease in the frequency of erectile dysfunction after 3 and 6 months after surgery was revealed. The frequency of retrograde ejaculation was higher compared with the preoperative value after 3 and 6 months after surgery. An improvement in the reflex and hormonal status of the operated patients was noted. Thus, HoLEP has a dual effect on the state of copulative function in patients with BPH, which results in improved erectile function and increased frequency of retrograde ejaculation.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2019;9(2):17-22
pages 17-22 views

Adaptation disorders caused by nephrectomy

Shormanov I., Los M., Kosenko M.


Currently, nephrectomy is performed for various diseases, and the number of this type of surgery does not have a clear tendency to decrease. Operational stress is accompanied by a triggering mechanism for a wide range of disorders, among which psycho-emotional and vegetative (vascular) reactions are important clinical markers. The study of the systemic adaptive reactivity of the body after nephrectomy will provide an integrated approach to the study of the problem of the postoperative period and the rehabilitation of the patient in clinical practice.

Objective: to identify the effect of nephrectomy on the overall adaptive response of animals when white rats are exposed to damaging physical loads (acute hyperthermia) and chemical (acute alcohol poisoning, nephrotoxic agents) of nature, normobaric hypoxia, limiting muscular loads and immobilization stress.

The results of the experiment showed that laboratory animals with a single kidney become more sensitive (1.5 times) to nephrotoxic agents. Analysis of the effect of nephrectomy on the overall adaptive response of animals under the influence of various damaging factors to reduce the body’s resistance to hypoxia by 20% (p > 0.05); to limit muscular loads – by 25% (p > 0.05); hyperthermia – by 25% (p < 0.05); chemical agents – by one third (p < 0.05); to immobilization stress – by 28% (p < 0.05).

Conclusion. The study demonstrated a significant negative impact of nephrectomy on the overall adaptive capacity of the body and allowed to clarify the functional characteristics of the general adaptation disorders in connection with this operation.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2019;9(2):23-28
pages 23-28 views


Vascular conflicts in andrology. Part 1. Upper level arteryovenous conflicts

Kapto A., Smyslova Z.


This article presents a review of the literature on the prevalence, classification, clinic, diagnosis and treatment of upper level arteriovenous conflicts: nutcracker syndrome and posterior nutcracker syndrome.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2019;9(2):29-35
pages 29-35 views

Pathogenetic aspects of male subfertility in obesity: a review of experimental and clinical studies

Jakovleva L., Porfiriev V.


The obesity epidemic in the 21st century is an actual public health problem. The obesity is the cause of many pathological conditions in humans. According to the latest data there is a link between reproductive health and obesity, in particular, with a decrease in the quality and quantity of ejaculate in men. Nevertheless information about the effect of obesity on the parameters of spermogram is controversial. The purpose of this review was to study the relationship of body mass index with sperm parameters in animal experiments and indicators in men of reproductive age. This article reviewed the results of studies conducted on animals, as well as systematic reviews of studies conducted in a clinical setting.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2019;9(2):37-42
pages 37-42 views

Сlinical observations

Mototrauma of scrotum with rupture of the testis and bilateral traumatic dislocation of testes

Kazarov R., Bekr H., Bolotokov R., Vrabie D., Kozhin S.


A case report of mototrauma of scrotum with rupture of the testis and bilateral traumatic dislocation of testes and literature data on this topic are presented.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2019;9(2):43-46
pages 43-46 views

Ureteral tumors. Complex clinical cases

Bokovoj S., Zverev Y.


The article presents two difficult for the diagnosis and treatment of clinical cases of urothelial tumors — ureteral adenocarcinoma and bilateral ureteral tumors.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2019;9(2):47-52
pages 47-52 views

History of medicine

Professor Max Nitze – outstanding german urologist and teacher (the 170th anniversary of the birth)

Morgoshiia T., Kuzmin I.


The article is devoted to the life and work of the outstanding German urologist Max Nitze (1848-1906). The main achievement of Nitze was the invention in 1878 cystokop, on the improvement of which he continued to work until the end of life.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2019;9(2):53-57
pages 53-57 views
