Vol 5, No 3 (2007)


Man of the Renaissance. To the memory of my friend (Veniamin Khudolei)

Artemova T.


13 апреля 2007 года не стало Вениамина Викторовича Худолея (1945 -2007) - члена редколлегии нашего журнала, доктора медицинских наук, профессора, крупного ученого - специалиста в области канцерогенеза, и генетической токсикологии, охраны окружающей среды, члена объединенного научного совета «Экология и природные ресурсы» СПбНЦ РАН, зав. отделом экологической онкологии Института онкологии им. Н. Н. Петрова, академика Российской академии естественных наук, организатора и директора Центра независимой экологической экспертизы СПбНЦ РАН, председателя Санкт-Петербургского отделения Вавиловского общества генетиков и селекционеров, президента и вице-президента Международной федерации экслибриса. Это - потеря для науки, культуры в масштабах нашего города, страны и в международном масштабе. Мы потеряли друга - доброго и отзывчивого человека, для которого обязательность - качество, не часто встречающееся в наше время, было нормой бытия.
Ecological genetics. 2007;5(3):3-4
pages 3-4 views

Using of ITS sequences for the evaluation of taxonomic relations of the representatives of tribe Vicieae (Adans.) Bronn сем. Fabaceae Lindl

Ryzhova N.N., Burlyaeva M.O., Kochieva E.A., Vishnyakova M.A.


ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 nucleotide polymorphism аnalysis of Vicieae species that represent accessions of Russian genebank (VIR) collection have been performed. Nucleotide substitutions in ITS1-5.8S-ITS2-sequences and indels of different length that were species-specific or specific for Lathyrus and Viciaspecies groups have been revealed. New data proving taxonomic status of accessions with uncertain taxonomic position have been obtained.
Ecological genetics. 2007;5(3):5-14
pages 5-14 views

Characteristics of morphogenetic responses of Nicotiana langsdorffii on transformation with wild type strains of Agrobacterium in vitro

Matveeva T.V., Pigichka T.Y., Lutova L.A.


Ability to transformation by wt strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens (T37, C58, A6) and A. rhizogenes (15834, 8196, A4) was characterized for Nicotiana langsdorffii. It was shown that effectivity of transformation of this species by strains T37, A6,15834, 8196, A4 was lower comparing to the model object N. tabacum. Tumors induced by A. tumefaciens on leaf disks of N. langsdorffii, tend to shoot formation.
Ecological genetics. 2007;5(3):21-24
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The influence of virginity and induced sterility on Drosophila melanogaster females and males life span

Shaposhnikov M.V., Moskalev A.A., Turysheva E.V.


Reproduction and life span are negatively interrelated in both sexes, however sex differences in costs of reproduction are poorly understood. It was shown that mating cost has a main contribution to costs of reproduction in both sexes. molecular signals from gonads exceed cost of gametes production.
Ecological genetics. 2007;5(3):15-20
pages 15-20 views

Genotoxicity of the pestiside in Ames test and the possibility to formate the complexeses with DNA

Saratovskikh E.A., Glazer V.M., Kostromina N.Y., Kotelevtsev S.V.


The Ames test (strains Salmonella typhimurium тА98 and тА100) was used to study mutagen activity of seven pesticides: six herbicides (roundup, zenkor basagran, kusagar, lontrel, setoxidim), and fungicide tachigaren, also as herbicide complexes lontrel with eight metals (Cu, Co, Zn, Ni, Fe, Мп, Mo, Mg). It is positioned, that mutagen indexes of the investigated pesticides correlate with the value constant of formation the complexes these substances with DNA. Complexes lontrel (ML2) with all metals have displayed mutagen activity. Genotoxicity NiL2, FeL2, ZnL2 it is close to genotoxicity initial lontrel, at complexes with other metals have genotoxicity in 1,5-2 times lower.
Ecological genetics. 2007;5(3):46-54
pages 46-54 views

Polymorphism C/T-13910 of the LCT gene regulatory region and lactase deficiency in Eurasian populations

Sokolova M.V., Vasilyev E.V., Kozlov A.I., Rebrikov D.V., Senkeeva S.S., Kozhekbaeva Z.M., Lundup A.V., Svechnikova N.S., Ogurtsov P.P., Khusnutdinova E.K., Yankovsky N.K., Borinskaya S.A.


Genetically determined deficiency of the lactase enzyme in adults (primary hypolactasia) is a recessive trait. As shown earlier, in some European populations primary hypolactasia is determined by carrying the CC genotype at the single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) LCT*С/T-13910. In this work allele and genotype frequencies were estimated for the single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) LCT*C/ T-13910 in 7 samples (346 individuals in total), representing Eurasian populations (Saami, Mari, Russians from the Volga-Ural Area, Kazakhs, Uyghurs, Buriats, Arabs). For part of these groups and for some of the earlier studied groups the frequencies of the CC genotype are similar to the epidemiological-clinical data on hypolactasia frequency reported for respective or closely located populations (in Russians, Ukrainians, Byelorussians, Kola Saami, Mari, Komi-Permyaks, Udmurts, Pamir Mountain dwellers, and in Chukchi, Iranians and Arabs). For the Asian populations, the data are contradictory, and evaluation of genetic determination of hypolactasia in these populations requires further studies of larger samples. Considering association of primary hypolactasia with CC genotype in the Russian sample found by us earlier, the obtained results point that the CC genotype at SNP LCT*C/ T-13910 is the main genetic determinant of primary hypolactasia for populations of the European part of Russia.
Ecological genetics. 2007;5(3):25-34
pages 25-34 views

Molecular-genetic characterization of the human non-hypervariable GC-rich minisatellite UPS29 of gene CENTB5

Suchkova I.O., Shubina D.M., Sasina L.K., Slominska N.O., Vasilyev V.B., Alenina,  N.V., Bader M.F., Patkin E.L.


Human minisatellite UPS29 localized in one of CENTB5 introns was studied in silico and using molecular genetic analysis. For the first time there were revealed seven UPS29 alleles which contained 6-24 repeated units. Allele consisting of 17 repeats was prevailed (91,5 %). Frequency of other alleles varied from 0,29 % to 4,39 %. UPS29 heterozygosity was 12,3 %. Minisatellite UPS29 was classified as low polymorphic and non hypervariable.
Ecological genetics. 2007;5(3):35-45
pages 35-45 views

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