Vol 6, No 4 (2013)

Cover Page


Local cytokine status of experimental animalsat experimental intraocular implantationof titanium nickelide

Steblyuk A.N., Kolesnikova N.V., Gyunter V.E.


An assessment of the level of pro- (IL1β, FNOα, IL2) and anti-inflammatory (IL10) cytokines in the intraocular fluid of experimental animals at 3, 7 and 30 days after experimental intraocular implantation of porous titanium nickelide TN-10 was carried out. It was found that the implantation of porous titanium nickelide as drainage material does not impact the pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines’ local balance. It does cause an increase of IL1β, IL2 and IL10 production to the end of the first week of monitoring as well as a substantial limitation of anti-inflammatory FNOα synthesis. However at the end of the 30 day monitoring period, local IL1β and IL10 concentrations corresponded to those of control animals. At the same time, of some significance are obtained data upon a modulation of a caused by the surgical procedure disbalance in the system of local pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines which is observed at the titanium nickelide TN-10 intraocular implantation.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2013;6(4):4-8
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Tectonic keratoplasty using porous polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)

Dzhanayeva Z.N., Khripun K.V., Konenkova Y.S., Nikolaenko V.P.


The prevalence of corneal ulcer amounts to 47,3% of all inflammatory eye diseases. A corneal ulcer course may be complicated by perforation, and, as its result, by eyeball loss. In the article, the result of porous polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) use for tectonic keratoplasty is presented. The assessment result of cellular activity in the polymer body is shown using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Technical moments of implant fixation to the cornea are explained, in particular PTFE covering with native tissues and temporary blepharorraphy are crucial. The presented method may serve as a first step in carrying out further optic-reconstructive procedures, which allow to achieve a rehabilitation of this patient category.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2013;6(4):9-14
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Glaucoma treatment cost as seen by patients

Kazanova S.Y., Strakhov V.V., Yartsev A.V.


The chronic nature of the glaucomatous process requires long years of observation and treatment. The quality of treatment depends on the doctor who determines the tactics and methods of treatment, as well as on the patient who follows or doesn’t follow the doctor’s instructions. The study objective was to evaluate patients’ attitude to the required treatment and its cost. To do this, an anonymous survey of glaucoma patients was conducted in a number of regions of the Russian Federation. The questionnaire consisted of 7 questions and several answer options for each of them. In total, 1877 questionnaires from 35 regions of the country were processed. The survey results show that for glaucoma patients vision preservation is the priority of the treatment. Patients believe that medical treatment should be aimed at effective intraocular pressure reduction with as few side effects of used drugs as possible. The price of IOP-lowering drops of 500 rubles is affordable for the majority of respondents (76 %). However, the total price of complex glaucoma treatment drew mixed reaction from the survey participants.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2013;6(4):15-20
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ERG assessment of the functional activity of the retina in following the surgical closure of idiopathic macular holes

Neroev V.V., Zueva M.V., Bichkov P.A., Tsapenko I.V., Sarygina O.I., Ilyukhin P.A., Semenova N.A.


Twenty patients with stage 3 or 4 idiopathic macular holes were evaluated with standard cone ERG, photopic flicker ERG at 8,3-30-Hz, to study the function of cone photoreceptors, bipolar cells, and Muller cells after the surgical correction of their macular hole. The correlations between the ERG parameters and the microperimetry and optical coherent tomography data were evaluated. IMH has been associated with the general reduction in the function of the cone photoreceptors and bipolar cells and with the sharp increase in the activity of Muller cells and their functional relationships with some bipolar cells. The nature of the changes in photopic standard and flicker ERGs demonstrated the dependence of the central retinal function on the dynamics of cone bipolar cells’ recovery. In the early period after the surgery of IMH, a sharp reduction in the flicker ERG at 24 Hz was found, to be followed by a progressive increase, which indicated a pronounced reduction in the bipolar cell function with the formation of the IMH and its substantial decrease after the vitreoretinal surgery. A significant increase in the glial index for flicker ERG at 24 Hz may be associated with a compensatory overreaction of retinal Muller cells in the preoperative and in the recovery period after the closure of IMH.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2013;6(4):21-27
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The influence of macular hole surgical treatment on biochemical tear fluid and blood serum indices

Malyshev A.V., Al-Rashid Z.Z.


The present paper describes the changes of free radical oxidation (FRO) in patients with macular holes (MH) during vitrectomy. Material and methods. We examined 56 patients who underwent surgical treatment of MH. Results. We observed positive dynamics of FRO indices after surgery - a recovery of biochemical parameters in the late postop period. Among complications, a cataract development in patients who did not receive antioxidant therapy was observed. Conclusions. Vitrectomy improves visual function and FRO processes.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2013;6(4):28-33
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Choroidal thickness in eyes with different degrees of myopia

Astakhov Y.S., Belekhova S.G.


66 healthy people (124 eyes) with different degrees of myopia and emmetropia were examined using enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomography (EDI-OCT) using the “Spectralis OCT”. It was found that the choroid in subjects with medium and high degrees of myopia was significantly thinner than that in the control group. In the study, a negative correlation was found between the subfoveal choroidal thickness and the degree of myopia (r = -0.75, p < 0.0001). It was also found that the subfoveal choroidal thickness decreased for each diopter of myopia by approximately 18.03 μm.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2013;6(4):34-38
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Indices of the volume of the bony orbit and its soft tissues ratio in health, and their role in the differential diagnosis of the different forms of thyroid ophthalmopathy

Yatsenko O.Y.


Over the last several years, there has been is a keen interest in studying the normal anatomy of the bony orbit and of its soft-tissue content. However, publications on the different volumes of the normal bony orbit ratios as well as on those of its soft-tissue content in health and orbital diseases, are extremely rare and not comprehensive. In the present article, ratios of the bony orbit volume and of its soft-tissue content are calculated in health, and their role in diagnosis of different orbital diseases is defined. To study normal indices of the bony orbit and of its content, computed tomography images of 210 people (266 orbits) were investigated, as well as tomograms of 294 patients (559 orbits) with thyroid ophthalmopathy. In all patients computed tomography was performed according to a standard method with axial and frontal sections (section thickness 1.0 mm, slice spacing 1.0 mm). The result of the study is that ratios of the volume characteristics of the bony orbit volume and of its soft-tissue content play an important role in confirming individual asymmetry of orbital structures as well as in differential diagnosis in different orbital diseases.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2013;6(4):39-45
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Steshenko O.N., Mitichkina T.S.


The impact of lacrimal gland excision on tear production and qualitative tear fluid composition in patients after excision of a pathologically changed lacrimal gland (tumors, chronic dacryoadenitis).
Ophthalmology Reports. 2013;6(4):46-50
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The tolerability and clinical efficacy of “OKOMISTIN” in combination with “Oftalmoferon” in comparison to “Oftalmoferon” as monotherapy in the treatment of adenoviral eye diseases

Astakhov Y.S., Sokolov V.O., Morozova N.V., Borisov D.A., Polovinkina G.V., Golikova Y.L., Botova N.V.


Rationale. Adenovirus accounts for 48% to 62% of the cases of acute conjunctivitis [3, 4], and causes significant morbidity. Because of this, an important goal of clinical research is to find new medications which are effective in reducing the symptoms and which are easily tolerated. Objective. To estimate the tolerability and clinical efficacy of “Okomistin” in combination with “Oftalmoferon” in comparison to “Oftalmoferon” as monotherapy in the treatment of adenoviral eye diseases. Material and methods. 42 patients with adenoviral conjunctivitis were monitored. Their age ranged from19 to 59 years. Patients were divided into two groups: the main group and the control group. Patients of the main group received instillations of “Oftalmoferon” 6-8 times a day and those of “Okomistin” qid, patients of the control group - instillations of “Oftalmoferon” 6-8 times a day as monotherapy. Results. Combined use of “Okomistin” and “Oftalmoferon” significantly decreases the time of clinical recovery, is well tolerated, and does not cause toxic and allergic reactions. Conclusion. Combined use of “Okomistin” and “Oftalmoferon” in comparison to “Oftalmoferon” as monotherapy is more effective, but necessitates the use of ophthalmic lubricants.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2013;6(4):51-54
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Congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium

Cherney E.


Congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium is a benign pigmented lesion of the posterior pole with a unique clinical appearance. It is flat, round, and has sharp edges. While it is usually black, it may have internal lacunae without pigment. The lesion may also be all hypopigmented. Over many years, the lesions may grow slightly and change their pigmentation. Even though malignant transformation is extremely rare, annual examinations should be performed.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2013;6(4):55-59
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Glaucoma patient school organization on the basis of a Saint-Petersburg city district glaucoma center

Pokrovskiy A.S.


The present article describes a positive experience of glaucoma patient school organization on the basis of a St. Petersburg city district glaucoma center. The peculiarity of the school in the Frunzensky city district is a possibility for a patient to test intraocular pressure immediately after a lecture, to pass glaucoma screening. The analysis of school attendance from October 2012 to December 2013 is also presented in the article, as well as the results of patients’ survey on the activity of the city district glaucoma center and school.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2013;6(4):60-64
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Adult onset multifocal vitelliform macular dystrophy

Astakhov Y.S., Smaznova V.V., Shakhnazarova A.A., Morozova N.V.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2013;6(4):65-68
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Successful treatment of the Irvine-Gass syndrome with Nevanac

Ro M.B., Ignatyev S.A., Alekseyev I.B., Korchuganova Y.A.


The Authors describe a clinical case of the use of Nevanac - a medication from NSAID group in the successful treatment of cystoid macular edema caused by cataract extraction (Irvine-Gass syndrome).
Ophthalmology Reports. 2013;6(4):69-72
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