Assessment of life quality in disabled individuals

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This article presents the study of the features of the subjective evaluation the quality of life of disabled people. The article contains a comparative analysis of Paralympians and persons with locomotor disorders and a comparison of Paralympian and professional athletes. The study describes the features of perception of the life in a time perspective and considers some characteristics of the quality of life (self-attitude, coping strategies, values). Within the framework of the presented research which was revealed Paralympians' positive assessment of their quality of life, unlike the comparison group (athletes and persons with locomotor disorders). An orientation to the future and positive assessment of the present tense are typical for paralimpians. They demonstrate a high level of satisfaction with social relationships, positive view of their own health, and the harmonic type of relationship to the disease, which allows adequate distribute their own strength and to determine their capabilities. Paralympians confront to their physical defect by overcoming the difficulties that they face in everyday life, and through sports. The structure of the Paralympians' attitude to yourself indicates the importance of the self-development indicators and orientation to overcome the difficulties. Thus, Paralympians show less interest in the others assessment of their capabilities and achievements as opposed to professional athletes. Sport is a life that allows Paralympians feel full member of society. Sport helps Paralympians to exclude from their behavior destructive forms of responses in stressful situations, which are typical for people with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, who also not involved in sports and don't take active part in a social relations.

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About the authors

Tatyana V Malikova

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University of Health Ministry of Russia

PhD, Associate Professor. Department of General and Applied Psychology at the Rate of Biomedical Sciences. St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University.

Dmitry G Pirogov

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University of Health Ministry of Russia

MD, PhD, Associate Professor. Department of Clinical Psychology. St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University.


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