Methods for assimilation of observational data in problems of the physics of the atmosphere and the ocean

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In this paper we review and analyze approaches to data assimilation in geophysical hydrodynamics problems, starting with the simplest successive schemes of assimilation and ending with modern variational methods. Special attention is paid to the the study of the problem of variational assimilation in the weak formulation and construction of covariance error matrices of the optimal solution. This is a new direction, to which the author made a contribution: an optimality system is formulated for the problem of variational data assimilation in a weak formulation and algorithms for deriving the covariance error matrices of the optimal solution are developed.

About the authors

V. P. Shutyaev

Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics, RAS; Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "Marine Hydrophysical Institute, RAS"

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, 8, Gubkina ul., Moscow, 119333; 2, Kapitanskaya ul., Sevastopol, 299011


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