Trends in the development of the profession of an obstetrician in the Republic of Belarus: relevant issues and achievements

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The ongoing in 2019-2021 campaign «Nursing business today» contributes to improving the work of obstetricians as important participants and partners of the family in solving demographic problems. The information about the Decade of childhood announced in the Russian Federation in 2018–2027 attracted a growing attention to the obstetricians´ activity. This also contributes to maintaining the interest to real support of motherhood and childhood, learning from experience and improving the demographic situation in the Republic of Belarus.

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About the authors

Tatsiana Vladimirovna Matveychik

State Educational Establishment «Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education»

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate professor, Department of Health and Health Care

Belarus, Minsk


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