Vaccination of children at an early age — the basis for the formation of a child’s health

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The positive role of vaccination is beyond doubt, but the attitude towards preventive vaccinations remains ambiguous. The number of refusals to carry out preventive vaccinations has a slight tendency to decrease, both among the adult and among the child population. The purpose of the work was to analyze the frequency of vaccination of newborns against hepatitis B and tuberculosis, to assess post-vaccination complications in young children, the reasons for medical withdrawals from vaccination and refusal of parents to vaccinate, and their motivation. Conclusion: using the example of vaccination of children against hepatitis B and tuberculosis, we can talk about the insufficient effectiveness of the implementation of the National Immunization Schedule. Appropriate measures are proposed to improve the situation, starting with improving the skills of medical workers on the issues of vaccine prevention of infectious diseases, and ending with the active promotion of vaccine prevention among the population. Vaccination at an early age remains the focus of child health interventions.

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About the authors

Natalya M. Shustikova

Moscow Financial and Industrial University «SYNERGY»

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4400-3583
Scopus Author ID: 57215603542

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Nursing Management and Social Work, Faculty of Medicine

Russian Federation, Moscow

Lyudmila F. Nemtyreva

Moscow Financial and Industrial University «SYNERGY»

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3941-713X
Scopus Author ID: 57217049042

Honored Healthcare Worker of the Russian Federation, Lecturer of the Department of Nursing Management and Social Work of the Faculty of Medicine

Russian Federation, Moscow

Irina G. Timokhina

GBUZ Children’s City Polyclinic №7 DZM


chief nurse of the Children’s

Russian Federation, Moscow

Konstantin I. Grigoryev

N.I. Pirogov’s Russian National Research Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4546-1092
Scopus Author ID: 56848239000

Doctor of medical sciences, professor of department of pediatrics with infectious diseases; editor-in-chief of the magazine Meditsinskaya sestra (The Nurse)

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Pic. 1. Frequency of hepatitis В and tuberculosis vaccination refusals in newborns in the maternity hospital

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3. Pic. 2. Proportion of patients vaccinated and planning to be vaccinated against influenza during pregnancy (n=43)

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4. Pic. 3. Patients’ satisfaction with information from specialists about vaccination during pregnancy (n=43)

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5. Pic. 4. Physicians’ and nurses’ opinions on the appropriateness of flu vaccination during pregnancy

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6. Pic. 5. Comparative analysis of reasons for not recommending influenza vaccination during pregnancy cited by physicians and nurses (n=37)

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7. Pic. 6. Patient attitudes toward flu vaccination during pregnancy (n=39)

Download (53KB)

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