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Vol 25, No 6 (2023)

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Phytotherapy in dentistry: current approaches and perspectives

Brudyan G.S., Mikhailov V.D.


The article provides an overview of current research and approaches to the use of herbal medicine in dentistry. The main groups of herbal preparations used for the prevention and treatment of dental diseases are considered, including anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, regenerating and pain-relieving agents. The results of clinical trials evaluating the efficacy of herbal preparations in the treatment of caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, stomatitis and other pathologies are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the benefits of herbal medicine, such as low toxicity, minimal side effects, and good tolerability. Prospects for further research in the development and implementation of new herbal medicines for dentistry are considered. It is concluded that herbal medicine has great potential and its integrated application in practical dentistry is feasible.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(6):52-56
pages 52-56 views

Topical theme

Vaccination of children at an early age — the basis for the formation of a child’s health

Shustikova N.M., Nemtyreva L.F., Timokhina I.G., Grigoryev K.I.


The positive role of vaccination is beyond doubt, but the attitude towards preventive vaccinations remains ambiguous. The number of refusals to carry out preventive vaccinations has a slight tendency to decrease, both among the adult and among the child population. The purpose of the work was to analyze the frequency of vaccination of newborns against hepatitis B and tuberculosis, to assess post-vaccination complications in young children, the reasons for medical withdrawals from vaccination and refusal of parents to vaccinate, and their motivation. Conclusion: using the example of vaccination of children against hepatitis B and tuberculosis, we can talk about the insufficient effectiveness of the implementation of the National Immunization Schedule. Appropriate measures are proposed to improve the situation, starting with improving the skills of medical workers on the issues of vaccine prevention of infectious diseases, and ending with the active promotion of vaccine prevention among the population. Vaccination at an early age remains the focus of child health interventions.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(6):3-9
pages 3-9 views

Nursing work with palliative patients

Optimization of the quality of nursing care for patients with acute brain disorders in the intensive care unit

Zorina E.V., Nefyodova S.L., Fatyanova O.P., Severina M.B., Zorin M.V.


The article reflects the main elements of the nurse’s activity in caring for patients with brain damage, identifies the main problems in these patients and medical manipulations that improve their quality of life. In order to optimize the quality of patient care, it is necessary to use modern nursing technology — a nursing process that allows identifying the patient’s priority problems and creating the «best conditions» for activating his own forces.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(6):10-13
pages 10-13 views

Development of nurses’ competencies in caring for patients at high risk of dysphagia

Kasimovskaya N.A., Sorokin A.G., Peters T.V., Bandurina E.N.


Dysphagia is the most common cause of aspiration pneumonia in elderly and senile patients with neurodegenerative diseases, after surgical interventions and prolonged artificial lung ventilation. The article presents a study of the capabilities of nurses of surgical and neurological departments in caring for patients at risk of dysphagia. The developed Nutrition Assessment Map of a patient at risk of dysphagia with the results of approbation in the surgical and neurological department during patient care is presented. The confidence intervals of the occurrence of dysphagia symptoms in patients and the results of the coincidence of the diagnosis of dysphagia symptoms by nurses according to the Nutrition Assessment Card and the confirmation of dysphagia by doctors are presented. The use of it by nurses in the process of care can help to detect dysphagia in a timely manner and reduce the risk of secondary complications in patients with a high risk of swallowing disorders.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(6):14-18
pages 14-18 views

Profession: theory and practice

Degenerative disc disease in nurse practice

Skvortsov V.V., Gorbach A.N., Akramov I.N.


Osteochondrosis of the spine plays a leading role among diseases of the peripheral nervous system, being a serious social problem in many countries. The significant prevalence of this disease among people of working age, high rates of disability, large economic losses determine the relevance of this problem, its epidemiological and socio-economic significance. Osteochondrosis of the spine can be considered as a polyethological, but monopathogenetic disease, the clinical signs of which depend on various endogenous and exogenous factors. This article provides basic information about the treatment of neurological syndromes of osteochondrosis of the spine. The issues of pathogenesis of vertebrogenic diseases of the nervous system are considered. The biomechanical features of the spine under normal conditions and in the event of pathology are briefly described. The main methods of the therapeutic approach in the case of this pathology, the use of chondroprotectors as a necessary supplement to the therapy of NSAIDs are considered.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(6):19-22
pages 19-22 views


Experience of implementing professional cleaning technologies in a modern medical organization

Fedko N.A., Malkina L.V., Shilo D.A.


The traditional model of organizing cleaning and disinfection of premises, the use of technically outdated cleaning equipment, currently used in many medical organizations, do not meet modern requirements for epidemiological safety and economic efficiency.

The introduction technologies of professional cleaning help to reduce the labor intensity of cleaning, reduces the risk of errors associated with the dilution of disinfectants, and prevents premature wear of treated surfaces and floor coverings.

The optimization of the functional duties of the personnel of the internal insourcing service, which carries out professional cleaning based on a systematic approach to training employees, selecting high-quality technologies and effective methods of cleaning, compliance requirements for ensuring the sanitary and hygienic regime, improving the quality control of clean contributes to improving the quality of disinfecting measures in the framework of non-specific prevention of infections associated with the provision of medical care.

The introduction of insourcing helps to increase the efficiency of using the economic resources of a modern medical organization.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(6):23-26
pages 23-26 views

The influence of echinacea preparations on the state of cellular and humoral immunity from the point of view of evidence-based medicine

Strukov V.I., Sergeyeva-Kondrachenko M.Y., Vinogradova O.P., Denisova A.G., Moiseeva I.Y., Poluboyarinov P.A., Panina E.S., Petrova E.V., Fedorov A.V., Burmistrova S.S., Elistratov D.G.


The main factors of the occurrence of immunodeficiency states in different age groups are considered. Particular attention is paid to the problem of reduced immunity in childhood and adolescence. The prospects for the use of plant-derived immunomodulators based on Echinacea purpurea in the maintenance of cellular and humoral immunity are assessed. The results of a clinical study of the domestic immunocorrector «Echinacea P», produced using the innovative technology of cryogenic grinding, are presented.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(6):27-33
pages 27-33 views

Education: problems and solutions

Specifics of nursing staff training in the workplace in the hospital

Zakharova G.I., Ostrovskaya I.V., Sokolova E.А., Sukhotina N.V., Bogacheva M.V.


During the study of the peculiarities of on-the-job training of nursing staff in hospital settings, the opinion of 417 employees of State Clinical Hospital №52 DZM about the work of the training room was studied. Respondents highly appreciate the need for on-the-job training. At the same time, there are reasons that prevent nursing staff from on-the-job training.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(6):34-39
pages 34-39 views

Prevention issues

Prospects for the use of herbal remedies in the prevention and treatment of stress conditions

Strukov V.I., Sergeyeva-Kondrachenko M.Y., Vinogradova O.P., Denisova A.G., Moiseeva I.Y., Vikhrev D.V., Poluboyarinov P.A., Panina E.S., Petrova E.V., Fedorov A.V., Burmistrova S.S., Elistratov D.G.


The potential of phytotherapeutic agents in providing comprehensive support for the nervous system and overcoming stressful conditions is considered. Particular attention is paid to the treatment of chronic stress and its consequences. The pharmacological properties of blue cyanosis (Polemónium caerúleum), valerian officinalis (Valeriána officinalis L.), motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca), lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) and the prospects for the use of these plants in the prevention and treatment of nervous disorders are given. The characteristic of the Russian phytopreparation of sedative and stress-protective action, produced according to the innovative technology of cryogenic grinding, is given.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(6):40-45
pages 40-45 views

Woolly-flowered astragalus (Astragalus dasyanthus Pell.) is the most promising source of non-toxic organic selenium

Poluboyarinov P.A., Moiseeva I.Y., Fedorov A.V., Strukov V.I., Sergeyeva-Kondrachenko M.Y., Vinogradova O.P., Denisova A.G., Vikhrev D.V., Panina E.S., Petrova E.V., Burmistrova S.S.


The biological role of selenium in the human body and the possible consequences of an overdose of the microelement are considered. An assessment is given of the most common forms of the mineral in the composition of pharmaceutical preparations in terms of the effectiveness of eliminating selenium deficiency and safety. Particular attention is paid to the organic form of selenium — selenocysteine. The advantages of using selenium hyperaccumulating plants in the treatment of selenium deficiency conditions are discussed. The information about Astragalus dasyanthus Pell. as a plant-concentrator of selenium is presented. A method of biofortification with L-selenocystin is described, which makes it possible to increase the concentration of selenium in the aerial part of astragalus up to 70 mсg per 100 mg of its dry weight. The characteristics of Russian selenium-containing preparations based on astragalus woolly-flowered, grown using the method of biofortification with L-selenocystin, are given.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(6):46-51
pages 46-51 views

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