Prevention of hereditary and congenital diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract



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Interest in the problem of hereditary and congenital diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract in children is under constant attention of specialists, which is associated with an increase in the possibility of diagnosis and the growth of chronic kidney diseases, a serious basis of which they constitute. A review of modern domestic and foreign periodicals about hereditary and congenital diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, in most cases the latent nature of their course, is presented. Various nosological forms of diseases are considered. The emphasis is on the modern possibilities of medical and genetic counseling, primary prevention of hereditary and congenital diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract in pediatric practice, and their timely diagnosis.




Konstantin Grigoriev

N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Russian Health Ministry

MD, Professor of Department Pediatrics with Infectious Diseases in Children, Faculty of Additional Professional Education

Olga Vykhristyuk

N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Russian Health Ministry

MD, Childhood Diseases Department Professor, Medical Faculty, Academician of the Sciences International Academy of the Higher School.

Anna Solovyova

N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Russian Health Ministry

PhD in Medical Sciences, Senior Laboratory Assistant, Propedeutics of Childhood Ciseases Department

Ekaterina Vartapetova

N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Russian Health Ministry

PhD in Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Propedeutics of Childhood Ciseases Department


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