Bather’s itch or human duck disease. Myths and facts about cercarial dermatitis




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Cercarial dermatitis is a worldwide disease (popularly called «itch of swimmers», «fever of bathers»). The number of outbreaks of the disease has been steadily increasing in recent years, including in the Russian Federation, which makes it possible to consider cercarial dermatitis as a complex, urgent ecological, medical and social problem. Cercariosis is caused by the penetration into the human skin of cercaria larvae (parasites of waterfowl - trematode worms of the family Schistosomatidae). Specific methods of diagnosis and treatment have not been developed. In order to avoid meeting with parasites, you need to carefully choose a place for bathing.




Svetlana Ledentsova

Sankt-St. Petersburg State Budgetary Healthcare Institution «City Polyclinic No. 76»

Dermatologist 194021, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Khlopina St., 11

Maria Bolotina

Limited Liability Company «International Medical Center «SOGAZ»

nurse of the Department of Dermatovenerology and Cosmetology 191186, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Malaya Konyushennaya str., 8

Maya Parfyonova

Limited Liability Company «International Medical Center «SOGAZ»

Candidate of Higher Sciences, Deputy Chief Physician St. Petersburg, st. Malaya Konyushennaya, 8

Pavel Seliverstov

Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, 2nd Department (of Therapy for Advanced Training) of Physicians St. Petersburg, 194175 Akademika Lebedeva St., 6


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2. Фото

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3. Рис. 1. Жизненный цикл червей-трематод семейства Schistosomatidae.

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4. Рис. 2. Высыпания характерные для церкариоза.

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