Brain and gut rhythm regularity and level of happiness




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The dependence of the level of happiness on the observance of the circadian rhythm of the brain (according to bedtime) and the circadian rhythm of the intestine (according to the habit of morning defecation) was studied in 156 young doctors (112 women and 44 men) aged 18-24 years. A validated questionnaire was used for weekly monitoring of bowel rhythm and setting bedtime, as well as for determining the level of happiness on a 10-point visual analog scale. A regular bowel rhythm with a stool frequency of at least 7 times a week (Euenteria) was found in 78 physicians (50%) and an irregular bowel rhythm with a frequency of 3-6 times a week (Bradyenteria) was found in 78 physicians (50% of respondents). It was found that 56% of the surveyed medical students did not comply with the regime of timely (up to 24:00 h) bedtime, and persons with euenteria were less likely to disrupt this rhythm than those with bradyenteria. In persons with bradyenteria, the absence of the habit of morning defecation was almost 3 times more common than in persons with euenteria. The level of happiness in individuals with a daily bowel rhythm and timely bedtime was 1.4 times higher than in individuals with a stool frequency of 3-4 times a week (defecation every other day) and late bedtime.




Konstantin Shemerovsky

Private Educational Institution of Higher Education «Saint-Petersburg Medical-Social University»

Doctor of Medicine, Senior Researcher, Professor

Vyacheslav Ganapolsky

The Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Leading Researcher, Professor

Mikhail Kharin

Private Educational Institution of Higher Education «Saint-Petersburg Medical-Social University»

6th year student


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