Bilateral massive pulmonary embolism: clinical observation and literature review


Bilateral massive pulmonary embolism: clinical observation and literature review. The description of successful surgical treatment of a patient with bilateral massive pulmonary embolism (with the defeat of the equity and segmental branches), thrombosis of the right atrium and patent foramen ovale is given. The authors emphasize that determining predictors of successful surgical treatment of bilateral pulmonary embolism in a patient with high risk of death are the following: a) operational emergency diagnosis of disease; b) time from the beginning of clinical manifestations till embolectomy (within 1 hour); с) the maximum total removal of blood clots from the pulmonary artery and its branches. Dynamic 12 months observation showed a significant decrease of pulmonary perfusion deficiency, improvement of functional parameters of right heart chambers, absence of thromboembolism relapses.

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Copyright (c) 2014 Koltunov A.N., Lishchuk A.N., Shklovskii B.L., Kornienko A.N., Brovko L.E., Salomov A.A., Esion G.A., Koltunova T.Y., Baksheev V.I.

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