Gastric polyps as a precancer: the experience of therapeutic and diagnostic tactics in a multidisciplinary hospital



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The experience of diagnosis and treatment of gastric polyps in a multidisciplinary hospital is presented. It is emphasized that the main task in admission of patients with gastrointestinal neoplasia is the establishment in the early stages of a final diagnosis and the conduct of specialized therapy in accordance with the licensed specialties. At the same time, endoscopic polypectomy is low-traumatic and provides a reduction in the length of stay of patients in the hospital, early rehabilitation, low incidence of recurrence of the disease - 5%. The authors provide an integrated system for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with gastric neoplasms as the basis for effectively achieving favorable immediate and long-term treatment results.




Yu. Fokin

FBU "3 Central military clinical hospital. AA Vishnevsky," Russian defense Ministry

Krasnogorsk, Moscow region

B. Shklovskii

FBU "3 Central military clinical hospital. AA Vishnevsky," Russian defense Ministry

Krasnogorsk, Moscow region

V. Tatarin

FBU "3 Central military clinical hospital. AA Vishnevsky," Russian defense Ministry

Krasnogorsk, Moscow region

V. Savvin

FBU "3 Central military clinical hospital. AA Vishnevsky," Russian defense Ministry

Krasnogorsk, Moscow region

V. Baksheev

FBU "3 Central military clinical hospital. AA Vishnevsky," Russian defense Ministry

Krasnogorsk, Moscow region


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版权所有 © Fokin Y.N., Shklovskii B.L., Tatarin V.S., Savvin V.Y., Baksheev V.I., 2019

СМИ зарегистрировано Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор).
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