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卷 336, 编号 10 (2015)


Nutrition support for patients-servicemen in military-medical organizations of the Ministry of Defence

Strukov E., Kuvshinov K., Shchegolev A., Shestopalov A., Stets V., Petrakov V.


Analysis of the state of nutritional support in military medical institutions of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. In order to study the state of nutritional support chiefs (heads) of anaesthesiology and resuscitation military medical organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the practice of Clinical Nutrition were interviewed. These amounts reflect the organization, strategy, equipment and the need for means and methods of nutritional support, depending on the level of the organization, as well as provide a basis for improving the practice of nutritionally metabolic support in critically ill patients.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(10):4-10
pages 4-10 views

Features of morbidity community-acquired pneumonia among young recruits

Serdukov D., Gordienko A., Kozlov M., Mikhailov A., Davydov P.


Were examined 3338 military personnel of the combined training center. 183 of them diagnosed community-acquired pneumonia, in 3155 focal and infiltrative changes in lung tissue were not identified. The analisys of prevalence been made among young recruits of the acute respiratory illness before arriving in part and at the assembly point, foci of chronic infection, smoking, low body weight. 511 military personnel arrived at the training center in the disease state with symptoms of acute respiratory illness. Examined the relationship these risk factors to the development of community-acquired pneumonia in this category of servicemen.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(10):11-14
pages 11-14 views

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(10):14
pages 14 views

Pre-hospital care for wounded in military conflicts: state and prospects.

Samokhvalov I., Reva V.


Pre-hospital care is one of the most important links in a chain of the military medical tenet. A survival of the most of severe casualties at the scene depends on a good quality and well-timed first aid and paramedic care. Based on the current state of medical equipment and training of the soldiers of the Russian and foreign armies, we summarized the data about the main medical products designed for pre-hospital care, briefly analyzed and compared their effectiveness to the foreign analogues. It is currently obvious, that fundamental changes in First aid kit modification and Medical Bags are warranted according to the reality and soldier’s demands in combat operations. Proposals for modernization of military medical equipment were put forward.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(10):15-26
pages 15-26 views

Clinical and prognostic aspects of pulmonary sarcoidosis in servicemen

Kryukov E., Zaitsev A., Chernetsov V., Antipushina D.


The authors analysed clinical, radiological and laboratory aspects of respiratory tract sarcoidosis in servicemen, analysed the quality of life, correlation analysis to determine the risk factors for relapse of the disease. It was found that respiratory tract sarcoidosis of I and II stage was diagnosed in 85.5% of servicemen; in 72% of servicemen prevails asymptomatic course of a disease. Despite the prevalence of asymptomatic forms of the disease, the quality of life of servicemen with sarcoidosis has reduced. The factors associated with recurrent disease: age >35 years; the presence of clinical manifestations; forced vital capacity <85% of predicted values; systemic glucocorticoid therapy in history. Designed range forecast recurrent course of sarcoidosis in young patients having a high predictive value.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(10):26-29
pages 26-29 views

Sympathetic block as a part of the treatment of coronary heart disease (literature review)

Lishchuk A., Kornienko E.


The given literature review is devoted to the urgent problem of improving the effectiveness of conservative treatment of patients with coronary heart disease through the use of sympathetic blockade. The authors highlight the current understanding of the morbid physiology of cardiac angina, in particular, pain syndrome, of the state of analgesia in cardiology. Considered in detail the use of thoracic epidural block in case of coronary heart disease, shows the mechanism of action of epidural blockade, clinical features, its antiischemic effect on the myocardium, the impact on hemodynamic. Also described are the possible side effects and complications of epidural blockade. In conclusion, the authors emphasize the prospect of a wide practical application of regional blockade of local anaesthetics and narcotic analgesics in cardiac patients.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(10):30-43
pages 30-43 views

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(10):43
pages 43 views

Functional status of submariners after short-time submarine raid in the sea

Kalmanov A., Pisarev A., Khankevich Y., Bloshchinskii I., Valskii A.


Short-time sea submarine raids (from a few days to a few weeks), performed during one working cycle, negatively influence on the functional state of the submariners organism. Upon returning to the point of basing the crew involved in the maintenance of the material and performs preparations for further access to the sea. Due to the high workload and lack of time personnel are not held in any correctional and rehabilitation activities, and therefore the time for the next release in the sea functional condition and functional reserves of the body does not have time to fully recover. The transfer of the submarine crew and referral to medical and psychological rehabilitation assumed only after the end of the operating cycle after the crew the task of further voyage. Based on the assessment of the functional systems of the submarine after a short voyage concluded on the need to develop a set of remedial measures for the recovery of submarine crews during inter-cruise period.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(10):44-47
pages 44-47 views

Development of different approaches to classification of medical equipment sets

Miroshnichenko Y., Bunin S., Kononov V., Rodionov E.


The authors provided results of the study on approaches to the classification of medical equipment sets for the medical service of the Armed Forces. A retrospective analysis of the formation and development of classifications of first aid kits, medical bags, sets of medical equipment, medical kits and kits is performed. Basic factors influencing the structure and principles of classification sets of medical equipment are detected. The authors present modern classification of sets of medical equipment and the ways of its improvement.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(10):48-54
pages 48-54 views

Prospects of the use of mobile MRI scanners in medical service of the Armed Forces

Troyan V., Dydykin A., Rikun A., Filisteev P., Zayats V., Zhigalov A.


Computed tomography is currently one of the most informative methods of diagnostics of a broad range of injuries and diseases, as well as an effective additional mean for various surgical interventions thank to intraoperative use. In this regard, the question of the necessity of the use of this diagnostic technology in mobile hospitals is one of the current tasks. The article analyses the experience of the use of mobile CT scanners at the medical service of the armed forces of foreign states and provides calculations indicating the necessity of the introduction of mobile CT scanners into the hospital link. The review and classification of mobile CT scanners have allowed to formulate technical requirements for their hardware capabilities, as well as to draw conclusions about the conditions of their effective use.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(10):54-60
pages 54-60 views

Application of Saki mineral water in the course of the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases

Dovgan I., Mel'nichuk V., Tarasyuk L., Turubara Y.


The publication shows that the use of Saki thermal mineral water in combination with the integrated use of natural and preformed modern medical factors is a highly effective method of rehabilitation treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(10):61-62
pages 61-62 views

A method of experimental evaluation of anxiogenic effects of pharmacological agents

Mikhailov V., Nesteruk A., Malinin A.


A new method of revealing and evaluating of anxiogenic effect of medicinal products was proved in experiments on white non-pedigree rats. Results of the comparative evaluation of anxiety-phobic states in animals with the use of the given method has shown its high efficiency for the purposes of experimental research and safety tests of studied psychotropic drugs.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(10):63-65
pages 63-65 views

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(10):65
pages 65 views

The system of selection and training of military-medical staff for the 40th army (1979-1989).

Ryabinkin V.


In December 1979 in order to fulfil their internationalist duty troops and units of the 40th Army of the Armed Forces of the USSR was brought into Afghanistan. For complete and qualitative manning of the army with the military doctors it was needed in a short time to create a system capable to carry out candidates selection, their education and specialized training for work in extreme conditions of combat operations. This system was created in a short time. The article presents information about its features, advantages and problems that had to be solved during the entire period of the Soviet-Afghan war. The complex staff arrangements had allowed solving medical support problems of the 40th Army on the high level.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(10):66-71
pages 66-71 views

Hi-tech center of outpatient care (To the 40th anniversary of the Branch N 6 of the Vishnevsky Central military clinical hospital N 3)

Popov A.


The authors present the history of the branch N 6 of the Federal State Organization «the Vishnevsky Central Military Clinical Hospital N 3» of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which dates back to November 1, 1974. Over the past years, organizational and staff structure, and the name of the clinic (45th central polyclinic, 45th central consultative-diagnostic polyclinic, 52nd Advisory Diagnostic Center of Defense) has repeatedly changed, but the core the work stays unchangeable - to continually improve patient care technology, to be the leader in the out-patient care for soldiers, reserve officers (retired), members of their families. The branch consists of 58 medical and 19 specialized diagnostic departments, including 4 hospital departments, 1845 employee work at the branch. Among them 4 doctors of medical science and 43 candidates of medical sciences, 20 honoured physicians and 10 honoured health workers of republic. 70% of doctors and 93% of nurses have the highest qualification category. To health care in the Branch are more than 110 thousand people.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(10):72-75
pages 72-75 views

The contribution of the department of childhood diseases of the S.M.Kirov Military-medical academy to the medical support of students of educational organizations of general education of the Ministry of Defence

Shabalov N., Arsentev V., Mikheev A., Tsiteladze A.


The article is devoted to the 150th anniversary of the department of childhood diseases of the S.M.Kirov Military Medical Academy and reflects on important activity of the department - creation of the system of medical support for students of general education institutions of the Ministry of Defense. The authors emphasize the role of professor M.S.Maslov, as well as other members of the department, in the development of manuals for health maintenance organization of first Suvorov military schools (1944, 1947). The authors also summarize results of the methodological and scientific work, training and improvement of professional skills of medical staff for educational institutions, including the heads of medical service of schools. The role of the department in improving the medical support for educational institutions of secondary education institutions of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation at the present stage of development of the Armed Forces is described in the given article.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(10):76-79
pages 76-79 views

Graduate of the S.M.Kirov Military-medical academy Fedor Levin: on the way to discovery of DNA

Karpushchenko E., Deev R., Ovchinnikov D., Plaksa I.


Biochemist Fedor Aronovich Levin (1869-1940) graduated with honours from the S.M.Kirov Military Medical Academy in St. Petersburg in 1891 where he had received a fundamental knowledge from A.P.Dianin and I.P.Pavlov, and then he immigrated to the US. More than three and a half decades of his successful research at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research contributed to the foundation of the doctrine of nucleic acids. Scientists, who continued to research nucleic acids, were awarded the Nobel Prize, but Levin and his contribution were forgotten. The authors of the given article didn’t found any source in Russian about this prominent biochemist of the 20th century and member of the Russian scientific school. The purpose of the article is to acquaint the reader with a scientific biography of the scientist, who became, without exaggeration, one of the founders of modern genetics.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(10):80-83
pages 80-83 views


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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(10):84
pages 84 views

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(10):85-90
pages 85-90 views

Sbor glavnykh ftiziatrov, gosudarstvennykh sanitarnykh vrachey, rentgenologov voennykh okrugov (flotov) Vooruzhennykh Sil

Beznosik R., Grishin V., Savitskiy G.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(10):91-96
pages 91-96 views
