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卷 336, 编号 11 (2015)


Organization of health resort support for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation during peacetime

Trishkin D.


The authors analysed legal documents and presented data on modern organization of health resort support in the Russian armed forces during peacetime, procedure of referral of military personnel and members of their families and other categories of citizens to health resort treatment and organized recreation. The authors showed the advantages of health resort treatment as a primary stage psychological rehabilitation of servicemen, including «preventive» rehabilitation, as evidenced by positive dynamics of indicators of health, and significant economic effect. Besides the authors determined prospective ways of improving health resort support in the Armed Forces.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(11):4-11
pages 4-11 views

Hygienic education of servicemen under condition of tuberculosis hospital

Beznosik R., Savitskii G., Grishin V.


TB patients need not only long-term complex specialized treatment in the hospital, but also the qualified psychological impact by medical personnel. To motivate patients to complete treatment and ensure proper awareness of the disease and its consequences it is required to organize hygienic education for patients. All health workers, especially nurses, have to participate in health education. The article shows the necessity to take into account psychological characteristics of patients with tuberculosis during the process of hygienic education of. Recommendations on topics, methods and organization of activities of hygienic conditions in the education tuberculosis hospital are given.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(11):11-18
pages 11-18 views

Implementation of modern approaches to medical equipment of medical service’s troops

Miroshnichenko Y., Stavila A., Goryachev A., Kononov V., Krasavin K., Popov A.


The authors give essential characteristics of modern approaches to equipment of medical small and large units and troops. It is shown that for medical evacuation under field conditions it is neccessary to use modern complete-basic equipment that allows effectively providing medical assistance to the wounded and sick, maintaining the established level of readiness of medical troops, unifying norms of medical equipping, operatively deploying organisational stages of medical evacuation, optimizing planning of medical equipment. Medical equipment in peacetime should be carried out on the basis of standards and orders of medical care delivery that ensures harmonization with requirements of public health.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(11):19-26
pages 19-26 views

Peculiarities of surgical treatment of wounded with combined thermomechanical injuries of the lower extremities under conditions of counter-terrorist operation.

Dubrov V., Koltovich A., Khanin M., Paltyshev I., Ivchenko D., Tsvigun O., Kobritsov G., Gereikhanov F.


The authors analysed results of treatment of 67 wounded with injuries of the extremities, combined with burns. Two therapeutic approaches to surgical treatment were used. The first therapeutic approach (Early total Care - ETC) involved providing of a complete surgical care (the whole body is examined) during the first emergency operation and was used in 24 (35,8%) injured. The second therapeutic approach implied a differentiated approach to the treatment of wounded and treatment of injuries and was used in 43 (64,2%) patients. If arterial blood pressure was above 90 mm Hg, ETC approach was used in 19 (28,4%) wounded. If systolic blood pressure was less than 90 mm Hg programmable surgical approach Damage Control Surgery (DCS) was used in 24 (35,8%) patients. The use of differential surgical approach has led to increase in the number of complications from 45,8 to 55,8% (p=0,044) and decrease in mortality c 12,5 to 9,3% (p=0,039) compared with the group of wounded, where was used only traditional approach of single-stage treatment.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(11):27-37
pages 27-37 views

The current conceptions of non-pharmacological therapeutic methods capabilities and mechanism of their action

Reukov A., Golota A., Ivchenko E., Krassii A., Shalakhin R.


The current article demonstrates the modern capabilities of non-pharmacological therapeutic methods on the example of effective use of infrared-terahertz radiation and acupuncture in cases when the standard treatments failed. The first clinical presentation describes the case of successful intervention in the stroke patient on his 18th day of staying in coma. The second presentation dedicates to rehabilitation of a post-stroke patient with hemiparesis and wheelchair use for five years. Then the modern approaches to understanding the employed methods are proposed. The developing concept is based on the idea that the applied therapeutic modalitiy forms an afferent matrix-challenge in the central nervous system to which the latter elaborates the reciprocal efferent matrix-response. In the process of reaction the central nervous system performs a kind of reboot of its system functional connections thus eliminating stagnant pathological dominants and inhibitions. It is proposed to employ the accumulated experience in the conditions of increasing restriction of drugs and medical devices import.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(11):37-47
pages 37-47 views

Treatment of Ebola virus disease

Zhdanov K., Shchegolev A., Kovalenko A., Zakharenko S., Klimov A.


The article presents data on the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis and modern approaches to the treatment of Ebola haemorrhagic fever. This serious infectious disease with a high fatality rate is characterized by intoxication, severe haemorrhages, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and multiple organ failure with the development of severe shock. It is emphasized that the treatment of patients with Ebola should be conducted under strict anti-epidemic regime. Since there is currently no effective drugs against Ebola virus, the basis of modern treatment of this disease are pathogenic and symptomatic treatments. The main activities should be aimed at correcting violations homeostasis, blood volume deficiency, disorders of water and electrolyte balance, acid-base status osmolar and oncotic pressure shortfall of clotting factors and blood components. The treatment program should be drawn up taking into account the stage of the disease, the severity of the course and comorbidity.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(11):48-53
pages 48-53 views

Research of economic efficiency sanatorium treatment of the military personnel of Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Merzlikin A., Adkhamov B., Voronina L.


Results of the analysis of medical and economic efficiency of sanatorium treatment of the military personnel of Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the conditions of the military sanatorium organization of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation are presented.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(11):54-56
pages 54-56 views

The role of risk-factors in development of arterial hypertension in teenagers, prospective conscripts and conscripts

Bulavin V., Chaplyuk A., Kalmanov A., Datsko A., Denisova M.


The authors analysed the prevalence of arterial hypertension in prospective conscripts and conscripts. In 17 years old young men was revealed reliable frequency increase of this risk factor to 18 years. It was determined that causes of arterial hypertension in young men are smoking, excessive salt consumption, physical inactivation and excessive body fat, insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia. Smoking cessation, reducing of salt intake, sport activity are effective prophylaxis of arterial hypertension in young men.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(11):56-58
pages 56-58 views

The experience of use of Mardil Zinc® Max in the course of treatment of skin benign disease

Lamotkin I., Ushakov I., Mardi S., Selezneva E., Khlebnikova A.


The aim of the study was to investigate the efficacy of Mardil Zinc® Max in the course of treatment of skin benign disease. Under supervision there were 100 patients, including 46 patients with cutaneous horn, 14 patients with seborrheic keratosis, and 40 patients with HPV skin disorders (vulgar, flat, plantar and anogenital warts). All patients took Mardil Zinc® Max as a topical treatment. When applied to the preparation of skin benign diseases of non-viral origin recovery was observed in 100% of cases. In the treatment of patients with viral skin disorders full recovery was noted in 90% of cases.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(11):58-60
pages 58-60 views

A clinical picture and treatment of vertebral arrhythmia

Davydov O.


The authors present results of medical examination and treatment of 450 patients with vertebral arrhythmia. Clinical characteristics, differential diagnosis and treatment modes are analysed.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(11):61-63
pages 61-63 views

Application of «Infita» as a part of hypertension treatment at health resorts at the South Coast of Crimea

Chukreeva L., Obertynskaya L., Mishchenko G., Peremyshchev S., Tikhomirova I., Cherkasov S., Yaroshenko A.


The results of the use of low-frequency pulsed electron-electromagnetic field generated by the device «Infita» in the complex health resort treatment of patients with essential hypertension are presented. Decrease of hypertension of brachiocephalic vessels, improvement of venous drainage, decrease and stabilization of arterial blood pressure, relief of cerebralgia, decrease of emotional liability and tiredness. Positive dynamics is determined by the study of fundus, rheoencephalography and ultrasonic Doppler sonography of cerebral vessels.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(11):63-64
pages 63-64 views

The state research and test institute of military medicine of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation celebrates the 85th anniversary

Zhilyaev E., Chepur S., Yudin A., Medvedev V., Sidorov V.


The article is devoted to the anniversary of the newly reconstituted state research and test institute of Military Medicine of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. The institute was closed down in 2011 and worked exclusively as a structural subdivision of the Kirov Military Medical Academy for tests of ergonomic characteristics of a weapon and military equipment. Recreation of the institute allowed to engage highly qualified personnel and change the range of tasks, identified prospects of fundamental and applied researches in the field of development of hemostatic agents and anaesthetics, physiology of military work, medical robotics, development of technical means for medical services, and development of new medical technologies. The authors formulated prospects of development of the institution and its participation in the implementation of the primary tasks of the Medical Service to preserve and improve the health of military personnel.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(11):65-72
pages 65-72 views

Scientist and Citizen (Touches to the portrait of academician Nikolai Kravkov)

Rossiiskiy M.


The article deals with social and political views of the prominent pharmacologist Nikolai Kravkov, expressed in his previously unknown letters to his brother Vasily, written during the Russo-Japanese War and the First World War. The letter’s texts are published for the first time.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(11):72-81
pages 72-81 views


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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(11):82-84
pages 82-84 views

«S voennoy meditsinoy byl znakom s detstva...»

Pogodin Y., Galin L., Ryabinkin V.


(Интервью с первым заместителем начальника Главного военно-медицинского управления МО РФ (1993-1999) генерал-лейтенантом медицинской службы запаса Ю.И.Погодиным)
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(11):85-87
pages 85-87 views

Lenta novostey

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(11):88-90
pages 88-90 views

Aktual'nye problemy meditsinskoy reabilitatsii v Vooruzhennykh Silakh

Yudin V., Shchegol'kov A., Sychev V.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(11):91-94
pages 91-94 views
pages 95-96 views
