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Том 331, № 9 (2010)


Врачебные нормативы диспансерного обеспечения лиц призывного возраста амбулаторной стоматологической помощью

Белевитин А.Б., Прохватилов Г.И., Шелепов А.М., Иванов В.В., Гребнев Г.А.


The article presents results of epidemiological research of dental morbidity among persons of call-up age and indexes of their need in different types of dental aid. Were calculated medical standards for dispensary supply, elaborated propositions in standard of medical survey of persons of call-up age on specialization «stomatology» during registering on military registration and proximately during the call-up on military service in determination of fitness for military service. These data could be used in improvement of organizational structure of dental institutes of Health Ministry of social development of the Russian Federation.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2010;331(9):4-11
pages 4-11 views

Результаты социологического опроса врачей военно-врачебных комиссий

Петров М.В., Завалин А.В.


Was effectuated an interview of 95 physicians of regional military-medical committees of Kirovskaya area. For the question, whether military-medical expertise (MME) was given in IHE, affirmative answer gave 10,9% of respondents. A rather low (16,4%) was percent of physicians, got education in MME during postgraduate courses. Analyze has shown that nowdays the education of physicians on the topic of MME is effectuated predominantly in the course of work, conversance of judicial consequences of expertise is insufficient. It is found that physicians underestimate value of MME and don’t perceive it as a self direction.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2010;331(9):12-16
pages 12-16 views

Военная медицина и медицина катастроф

Чиж И.М.


The article presents an observe of such parts of military medicine as intensive aid and operative treatment on the place of case, contestation against infectious diseases, preservation of psychic health, medical and social rehabilitation. Were lighted successful activity of military physicians during liquidation of Chernobyl accident (1986), earthquakes in Armenia (1988), railway accident in Bashkiria (1989) and other accidents. Experience of military medicine (particularly using medical units of special purposes) was used in proving of conception of medicine of accidents, and in organization of medical supply of troops in armed conflicts of restricted scale -in effectuating of antiterrorist operations in Northern Caucasus (1994-1996, 1999-2002), in effectuating of peacemaking operation in Kosovo (1999-2003), natural disasters.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2010;331(9):17-22
pages 17-22 views

Профилактика алкогольных висцеропатий

Белевитин А.Б., Белякин С.А.


Defence of the Russian Federation was undertook the study with the aim of inclusion of the physicians to the understanding of the danger of alcoholic intoxication through the knowledge provisioning about the influence of the alcohol to the atherogenesis, progression of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. 2033 patients who had had surgical revascularization were examined. It was found that each of those patients had drunk different doses of alcohol, but it didn’t alert the atherogenesis. Also 1283 patients with liver cirrhosis and 126 died of it during 1996-2009 were examined. It was found that alcohol is the most dangerous cause of liver cirrhosis. Anonymous questionnaire of physicians for clearing up their attitude to the alcohol. It was found that only 43% of physicians deny healthful doses of alcohol. According to this fact it is necessary to intensify explanatory work among physicians.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2010;331(9):23-30
pages 23-30 views

Диагностика латентной вестибулярной дисфункции у военнослужащих с заболеваниями центральной нервной системы в анамнезе

Лихачев С.А., Марьенко И.П.


There were studied peculiarities of provocative nystagmus among 60 military servicemen with nervous system in anamnesis. Latent vestibular disfunction - a frequently detected syndrome among persons with diseases of nervous system in anamnesis. To examine a provocative nystagmus, was used a range of vestibulometric loading tests, which influences on different parts of vestibular system. Was marked a high role of several loading testes in diagnostics of latent vestibular disfunction. It has been found that in conditions of syndrome of vegetative imbalance of different genesis, the most effective are tests of De Klein with hyperventilation and hyperventilation test. In conditions of minimal neurological deficit the most effective is tests of Valsalve. In conditions of peripheral vestibular syndrome in anamnesis and vertebral-genic vestibular disfunction a very effective is sinocarotid test.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2010;331(9):31-37
pages 31-37 views

Комплексная медицинская реабилитация больных с дегенеративно-дистрофическими заболеваниями крупных суставов конечностей с применением малоинвазивных артроскопических операций

Поправка С.Н., Адонин А.И., Цуканов Д.В., Подолянский А.Н.


During the period of 2004-2009 in the 6th Central Military Clinical Hospital 343 arthroscopy were performed. Control set consisted of 128 patients who refused operative treatment or operative treatment couldn’t be preformed because of contraindications. During the arthroscopy in 74% of cases old laceration of meniscus was diagnosed, in 18% infra-articular osteochondral fragments were eliminated, in 32% of cases arthroscopic synovectomy was preformed, in 10% of cases forage and mikrofrakturing of subchondral bone were performed, chondroplasty and sanitation of joint were done for every patient. Together with it, during the arthroscopy signs of synovitis were diagnosed. The results of treatment were estimated by the scale of Lysholm (1982) and by the scale IKDS (1995) in 1, 3, 6 and 12 months. In 75% the results were good and excellent.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2010;331(9):38-40
pages 38-40 views

Патогенетические аспекты артериальной гипертонии при метаболическом синдроме

Симоненко В.Б., Медведев И.Н., Кумова Т.А.


Hypertension is the main disease in Russian Federation - its frequency is 39,2% in men and 41,1% in women. In recent years course of a disease is accompanied by the metabolic derangements which form the metabolic syndrome. In the basis of pathogenesis of hypertension are insulinresistance and compensatory hyperinsulinemia in combination with associated metabolic derangements. Inveterate insulinresistance leads to hypertension.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2010;331(9):41-44
pages 41-44 views

Информационная функция сердца в диагностике заболеваний внутренних органов

Успенский В.М.


Biophysical properties of the electric, magnetic and hydrodynamic impulses generated by the heart suggest the existence of the informational function of the heart: the ability to apply impulses across the body; probable variability of their main parameters, the presence in the heart of the amplitude and frequency-phase modulation carries the information into the cardiosignls. The main tenets of the theory of information functions of the heart are implemented in the technology of informational analysis of electrocardiosignals based on encoding - transformation of the probable variability of parameters electrocardiosignals into the code text. Specific sets of combinations of symbols of norm and rules of internal diseases were indentified. On their basis diagnostic systems which let to diagnose the most common diseases of internal organs were tested. Practical recommendations for the use of diagnostic systems in medical practice are given.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2010;331(9):45-52
pages 45-52 views

Проблема гнойновоспалительных заболеваний мягких тканей у военнослужащих

Засорин А.А., Макарова Н.П., Чернядьев С.А., Берсенев С.Г., Григорьев Н.Н., Сандалов Е.Ж.


For a period of 2002-2009 aacording to indexes of morbidity was examined dynamics of morbidity of staff of Privolzhsko-Uralskij military region among soldiers and sergeants, of unit weight of PIDST, of unit weight of incapacity days, was observed seasonality. Was found a mid-year increase of index of morbidity among call-up staff on 6,84%, and among contract military servicemen - on 4,5%. PIDST take about 18% of incapacity days in structure of all workmisses of call-up military servicemen and about 7% among contract military servicemen. Was found a seasonality of one-wave type with a top of annual morbidity in August-October and decrease in first decade of November. There is a need of examination of immune status of persons of call-up age
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2010;331(9):53-57
pages 53-57 views

Краткие сообщения

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Военно-медицинский журнал. 2010;331(9):58-90
pages 58-90 views

442-му Окружному военному клиническому госпиталю Ленинградского военного округа - 175 лет

Лютов В.В.


For 175 years a hospital made a great contribution to the development of national health care, gaining a wealth experience in high quality health care for the soldiers. Especially the biggest merit was made by the hospital during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, when 82% of the wounded soldiers ware returned for further service. The hospital was glorified by famous medical scientists of XIX-XX-centuries, such as: V.Bekhterev, R. Wreden, N.Sklifosovsky, P.Kupriyanov, N.Petrov and others. Currently, the hospital takes a worthy place among the best military medical agencies of Russian Armed Forces. The hospital is equipped with modern medical equipment. There work highly qualified personnel: 17 distinguished doctors of the Russian Federation, 2 doctors and 27 candidates of medical sciences. In practice the hospital successfully uses achievements of the leading Russian military medical facilities. The staff treat with care historical traditions of the hospital.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2010;331(9):81-86
pages 81-86 views

Первая в России кафедра нервных и душевных болезней



In 1860 year in Medical-surgical academy in St. Petersburg was found the first department of nervous and mental diseases. With this department are aligned names of the greatest native neurologists and psychiatrists (Merzheevsky I.P, Bekhterev V.M, Blumenau L.V., Astvatsarov M.I., Dojnikov B.S., Triumfov A.V., Razdolsky I.Ya, Panov A.G. and etc.) who took the glory of Russian neurology. For 150 years the department was the base of neurological specialists for all medical institutes of the state. The department keeps the single educational and scientific institute, supplying systematic and high-qualified preparedness of military neurologists.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2010;331(9):87-91
pages 87-91 views

Центру государственного санитарноэпидемиологического надзора ПУрВО в Екатеринбурге - 75 лет

Боярских Е.В., Алимов А.В., Аминев Р.М.


At the first of october 2010 Federal state institute «The 1026 th center of state sanitarium-epidemiological control of the Ministry of Defense of RF», situated in Ekaterinburg celebrates it’s 75 th anniversary. Now days the Center is a large multi profile institute of medical service of the military region, equipped by moern laboratory and instrumental environment for examination of electro-magnetic and electro-magnetic, microclimate, environment, indication of biological agents, effectuating of immune-enzymatic analyze and PCR-diagnostics.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2010;331(9):92-93
pages 92-93 views

По страницам зарубежной медицинской печати

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Военно-медицинский журнал. 2010;331(9):94-96
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