Modern approaches to the assessment of stress resistance in military personnel




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The results of psychophysiological studies of stress resistance of 71 servicemen were analyzed based on the predictable-unpredictable threat model using the Reakor hardware and software complex. High stress resistance in motor-volitional servicemen of military positions at the psychophysiological level is associated with higher ECG wavelengths at all stages of testing, lower respiratory heart rate variability in the absence of load, as well as smaller amplitudes of the difference in its values between the stages of predictable threat and rest, in peripheral vascular tone between the stages of rest and predictable threat, a tendency to increase the index of centralization during the passage of the stages of the study, lower reactivity in terms of galvanic skin response and startle reflex. Low stress resistance against the background of adaptive disorders was manifested by indicators of vagal influences exceeding the population norm with a tendency to decrease in sympathetic, the most pronounced difference in systolic wave amplitude indicators between periods of exercise/rest with a tendency toward peripheral vasoconstriction. The developed technique makes it possible to objectify the stress resistance of military personnel, can be used to predict the success of adaptation during professional psychological selection, and also serve as a criterion for the effectiveness of their medical and psychological rehabilitation.




Е. Kryukov

The S.M.Kirov Military Medical Academy of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation


заслуженный врач РФ, академик РАН, профессор, генерал-лейтенант медицинской службы

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

Е. Ivchenko

The S.M.Kirov Military Medical Academy of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation


доктор медицинских наук, доцент, полковник медицинской службы

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

V. Shamrey

The S.M.Kirov Military Medical Academy of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation


заслуженный врач РФ, профессор, полковник медицинской службы запаса

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

А. Marchenko

The S.M.Kirov Military Medical Academy of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation


профессор, полковник медицинской службы запаса

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

А. Lobachev

The S.M.Kirov Military Medical Academy of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation


доктор медицинских наук, полковник медицинской службы

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

О. Vinogradova

The S.M.Kirov Military Medical Academy of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

Е. Zhurbin

Military innovative technopolis «ERA» of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


кандидат медицинских наук

俄罗斯联邦, Anapa, Krasnodar Territory

Е. Shchelkanova

Military innovative technopolis «ERA» of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


кандидат биологических наук

俄罗斯联邦, Anapa, Krasnodar Territory


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2. Fig. 1. Dynamics of the R–R interval at the study stages in groups (ms)

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3. Fig. 2. Dynamics of the DIA indicator by study stages in groups (pm)

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版权所有 © Kryukov Е.V., Ivchenko Е.V., Shamrey V.К., Marchenko А.А., Lobachev А.V., Vinogradova О.S., Zhurbin Е.А., Shchelkanova Е.S., 2023

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