First Russian department and clinic of otolaryngology celebrates the 125th anniversary


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Review of the development of the national otolaryngology has been presented. The professors of our country’s oldest educational and scientific medical institution, the Military Medical Academy, where the first Russian department of otolaryngology had been opened, made the greatest contribution to the development of this clinical discipline. The article describes in detail the stages of the formation of the specialty, which are inseparably linked with the development of the Armed Forces, mentioning the names of academy professors who have contributed to world science with their discoveries.




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版权所有 © Dvoryanchikov V.V., Kiselev A.S., Mironov V.G., Syroezhkin F.A., Gofman V.R., Chernysh A.V., Glaznikov L.A., Golovanov A.E., Isachenko V.S., 2018

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