Oxymortia in young military personnel and cadets: causes, constitutional and clinical risk factors



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Were studied 24 cases of sudden death of young military personnel and military cadets. The main cause of sudden death in the performance of military service is a sudden cardiac death from the pathology of the heart and blood vessels, not diagnosed during life or proceeding concealed. The manifestation of this pathology is promoted by a sharp change in the habitual way of life with high physical loads and the development of life-threatening conditions-fatal arrhythmias and the onset of sudden death. Connective tissue dysplasia, as a genetically determined pathology with predominant involvement of the heart and vessels, is the main pathology that creates a high risk of sudden cardiac death. Comparison of clinical signs, constitutional manifestations, as well as functional changes in the heart and blood vessels at the clinical level will allow preventing the development of life-threatening conditions and the onset of sudden death among young military personnel.




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版权所有 © Pigolkin Y.I., Shilova M.A., Zakharov S.N., 2017

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