On selection of external bleeding models for preclinical evaluation of the effectiveness of local haemostatic agents (literature review)


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To temporarily stop of external bleeding traditionally use a pressure bandage or tourniquet, but not for all types of wounds it is possible and appropriate to apply these dressings. In recent times there has been significant progress in the development and improvement of local haemostatic agents used for the first aid. There are currently conflicting information about their effectiveness, presented by various authors, requires standardization of experimental models for pre-clinical testing of medical devices in this class. Following a review of domestic and foreign literature proposed to standardize external bleeding model for assessing the effectiveness of local haemostatic agents.




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版权所有 © Chepur S.V., Yudin A.B., Shperling I.A., Dezhurnyi L.I., Makhnovskii A.I., Blinda I.V., 2016

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