Sanitary-hygienic and antiepidemic support for the Red army during the last stage of the Great Patriotic War (1944-1945)



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Sanitation measures of the final period of World War II included the sanitary surveillance of water and power forces, observation of their placement and content of the territory occupied by them, monitor the implementation of military rules of personal hygiene and health education. The content of anti-epidemic measures was control of vectors of infectious and parasitic diseases, the protection of troops against the penetration of these diseases from the outside, the sanitary-epidemiological investigation and vaccination of staff, early detection and isolation of infectious patients, their timely hospitalization, disinfection of the source of infection, identify the sources of infection and epidemiological surveillance behind the hearth. Epidemiological welfare of the Red Army has been achieved by the virtue of the hard and persistent work of many thousands of military doctors, good organization of anti-epidemic protection of troops and use of military medical service of science.




L. Gorelova

A. Loktev


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