Peculiarities of sanitary and epidemiological (preventive) measures aimed at contraction and spread control of Ebola virus disease


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Now the Ebola virus continues to extend in the Western Africa. Cases, including with lethal outcomes are also registered in the countries of Europe and America. The probability of drift of this disease on the territory of the Russian Federation, including through the foreign military personnel who is trained in the country isn’t excluded. For prevention of drift and distribution in Russia of the illness caused by the Ebola virus the complex of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) actions is developed and introduced in practice of military health care. The specified actions allow to control an epidemiological situation on this infection and can be recommended for use to military medical experts at all levels.




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版权所有 © Ogarkov P.I., Valevskii V.V., Smirnov A.V., Kotov S.S., Golubkov A.V., Svistunov S.A., Kolesnikov V.V., 2015

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