Examination of the contamination aetiological agent of legionellosis in the water supply systems of medical treatment facilities



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This study considers the features of colonization of water distribution systems by Legionella in large multi-type health-care facilities in Moscow-city, Russia. The investigation of 16 pavilions in 5 multi-type health-care facilities had found the hith level of hot water systems contaminated by Legionella pneumophila (68%), including the risk units. Among the different species of Legionella pneumophila, circulating in hot water systems of health-care facilities, the following strains had prevailed: the serogroup 6 (44%), 5 (26%) and 1 (13%). The findings conclude that certain prevention measures should be taken for microbial control and ensuring water safety in water systems of health-care facilities to prevent the nosocomial cases of legionellosis.




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版权所有 © Gruzdeva O.A., Tartakovsky I.S., Maryin G.G., 2012

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