Modern approaches to the problem of comprehensive training of patients with ischemic heart disease combined with type 2 diabetes mellitus which undergo interventional coronary intervention (Literature review)


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On the basis of 42 analyzed sources of literature was performed a study about the problem of comprehensive training of patients with ischemic heart disease combined with type 2 diabetes mellitus which undergo interventional coronary intervention. It was noted that disease management programs for patients with associated pathology and comprehensive training of patients with ischemic heart disease combined with type 2 diabetes mellitus, which undergo interventional coronary intervention, are not developed. Therefore, in recent decades there emerged a need for comprehensive training of patients with associated pathology development of relevant structured programs of training, estimation of near and late results of training.




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版权所有 © Shklovsky B.L., Oinotkinova O.S., Serebrennikov V.N., Baksheyev V.I., 2012

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