Medical service of the Red Army in Vislo-Oder strategic offensive



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Was characterized work of medical service of the Red Army in Vislo-Oder strategic offensive. To the beginning of the operation in divisions of the first echelon were deployed medical aid stations in dugouts and blindages in 1,5-3 km from the front line. Sanitarium casualties of troops of the 1 st Byelorussian Front were 60 310 persons, 5,8% of it’s quantity, including wounded - 5,3%, ill persons - 0,5%; of the 1 st Ukrainian Front - 89 564 persons, 8,3%, including wounded - 7,5%, ill persons - 0,8%. It’s important to mark, that casualties on first fronts are more then 2 times, and on the second fronts are one and half times less than was supposed. On both fronts casualties of main group of troops achieved 60% of all casualties during the 1 st stage of operation.




P. Gladkikh


  1. Архив Военно-медицинского музея МО РФ, ф. 5, оп. 35 538, д. 21, л. 39
  2. История Второй мировой войны 1939-1945 гг. - М.: Воениздат, 1979. - Т. 10. - С. 86.
  3. Медицинское обеспечение Советской Армии в операциях Великой Отечественной войны 1941-1945 гг. - М.: Воениздат, 1993. -Т. 2. - С. 199.
  4. Шевцов О.С. Медицинское обеспечение войск в Висло-Одерской операции // Воен.-мед. журн. - 1965. - № 3. - С. 13



版权所有 © Gladkikh P.F., 2010

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