Prevention of the alcoholic visceropathy



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Defence of the Russian Federation was undertook the study with the aim of inclusion of the physicians to the understanding of the danger of alcoholic intoxication through the knowledge provisioning about the influence of the alcohol to the atherogenesis, progression of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. 2033 patients who had had surgical revascularization were examined. It was found that each of those patients had drunk different doses of alcohol, but it didn’t alert the atherogenesis. Also 1283 patients with liver cirrhosis and 126 died of it during 1996-2009 were examined. It was found that alcohol is the most dangerous cause of liver cirrhosis. Anonymous questionnaire of physicians for clearing up their attitude to the alcohol. It was found that only 43% of physicians deny healthful doses of alcohol. According to this fact it is necessary to intensify explanatory work among physicians.




A. Belevitin

S. Belyakin


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版权所有 © Belevitin A.B., Belyakin S.A., 2010

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